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The Proctor, Swift, Pollock, even that stupid cat, I thought they’d all be worth it so long as I took down Pilot Pereyra. JUNO: Why’s it so goddamn dar—? (QUIETLY) That’s the old one, all over again. And you have to believe that, given a chance? They were sand-caked, already looked sunburned, eyes wild. Go. It would be on top of them in seconds. PIRANHA: For example. Yeah, yeah yeah. I’ve had a long couple’a days. You’re probably wondering how I know all that. Marshall out. My young friend was right to doubt. (CACKLES). STRONG (FROM COMMS): Uhhh, yeah, whatever. In a galaxy gone so bitter, so violent, safety and peace are our highest priorities. Gets. Discusses the origins and characteristics of American proverbs and examines the role of proverbial speech in American politics from the Revolutionary War to the present day. It found two snakes-in-the-grass that even we didn’t. PEREYRA: Concrete, like old roads on Earth. User muscular control. GEARS WHIRRING, THEN CLUNK. But this is just a story, Juno. And now we’re after Pereyra, and where do they go? (LAUGHS). You don’t need a map. Something worth fighting for, don’t you think? Makes you see things. You listened. (DISTANT) So I reached forward, pressed a button…. STRONG: He teared up an-and looked at me, at the face so like his and so different, and he… socked me right back in the same eye. In just a few days, the bravest young person in Hyperion City will return with them in tow. Lessee, here… howsabout a little exam, see? You sure that stupid pod is coming? Now keep walking. STRONG: Honestly, it’s probably better if you don’t know. Nobody does. Then it sounds like he’d really better listen to me, doesn’t it? Here we have time for music, for baking, for art, for life. If I can’t see their lips, the Theia can’t help. Knock it off. My vision began to fade. Pilot’s thinking there are two more people in here. Shut up. Why the hell not? But don’t think you’re off the hook, buddy. My assistance cannot be activated without user permissions. Congratulations. Found insideA classic study of early contact between European explorers and North American natives. PEREYRA: I’m tryin’ to catch the end of the big game. I better not see you move unless it’s towards me! So. Every dollar helps. I didn’t want to do that again. You can’t make everyone happy, Ma! And I don’t know, Juno. But not this time. Uh… yeah. MARSHALL (FROM SPEAKER): The thing can only hold one-point-five liters, Pilot, so stop it there! If you don’t come out quiet, I’m gonna make you and every one of your fingers I don’t bite off regret it, see? That’s why you could never make anyone anything! PEREYRA: The Theia outlined every bootstep and heelstep our targets had taken, and for a second it was nonsense, just a big golden scribble. You were a bigger mess. JUNO: THEIA: You are nearly halfway across the surface of Mars! It’s all about that personal benefit. But what if – follow me on this – what if we didn’t have to risk a single hair on your pretty head with that danger? The Dome is still out there. So far, D’Arc has been correct at every turn. And to think. Numbskulls like O’Flaherty promise they’ll bring the future to you, but me… I always knew I’d only ever be able to get it for myself. Easy for a guy like that to get a dumb treasure map. Chair-ity. The pod isn’t here yet. You’re a poet and an inspiration or whatever. Joshua would lead the people into the Promised Land. But I’ve got stuff to do that doesn’t include dying. And welcome… to The Penumbra. Get your yuks out now, Nureyev—. PEREYRA: This is Susan Sontag's documentary about Israel, shot during the Yom Kippur war. She stomped in my direction. And funny. Maybe in that big backpack of yours? PEREYRA: Let’s keep doing that.”, KAT: PIRANHA: They never found her! ERIN (FROM SPEAKER): And if you give me the wrong information, P.I., I’ll make you spill enough blood for all four of us. (PANTING) But… nothing down here’s been that easy. Look at you, Big-Eyes. Are you really still whining about your stupid shoes? I only believe in me. I guess it did say “chairity.”. SOUND: RAIN. I tried so hard to warn you, or to deactivate the pod or the tests, but… I just had to leave. JUNO: Probably cost more to tear all this down than you’d ever make on it anyway. But, lookit: I spent a whole childhood watching her mess our Free Dome up, and I’m not gonna let it happen again. Promotional art by Mikaela Buckley. Which means the clues are nearby. Anyone who wanted a home away from the War, she said, could have it. It’s that voice again. Good idea. —control. Alright, Pilot, lift up your arms so I can check your po—. STRONG: Caution: high-impact plasma cannons detected. You can’t beat me like I beat you because I don’t believe in anybody but myself, see? VOICE 1 (FROM SPEAKER): Somebody’s got to. You and everyone else. Test of Charity. Three… two… one…. I want a buffer just in case some big bug decides to grab a snack, see? JUNO (NARRATOR): And it worked swimmingly, until the man in charge of the transfer looked at the paperwork, looked at me, and said, “Leon Prince! NUREYEV: I am Juno Steel! Alessandra stepped close to them, they squeezed again, and both of them were swallowed by that glowing bubble of light. TRAIN ARRIVES, CREAKS TO A STOP. Oh, Juno. Thank you. Not exactly impressed. That’s it! How’d you know that? STRONG: You gotta believe. Original music by Ryan Vibert. STRONG: SOUND: RAIN. I know it’s out here! Just jump it, already! It was two hundred years ago when the day came that Erin Marshall D’Arc decided the world just wasn’t worth saving anymore. CONDUCTOR: So this is all connected, somehow? PEREYRA: I’m armed and you’re out of your element! Do not. Good. Pilot, sobbing as they bled. Didn’t think you’d be even more of a pushover on round two, though. They were too far away for her to reach before the lasers started flying, so instead she leaned over to me and whispered: STRONG: And just like that. See? (LAUGHS). STRONG: They’re bleeding too much for me to clean out the wound. And I remember her forcing us to look at one another, and, I remember her shouting. Because you probably didn’t listen. STRONG: Like, that’s kind of how I pictured it, of like…. VOICE 3 [ERIN D’ARC] (FROM SPEAKER): God damn it, I believed in him! (SPITS) Let you. Isn’t anyone paying attention? (SNORTS) But here, this lost city beneath the sands, this secret tech, this runaway mayor and their gangster – I felt like I’d been pulling off masks for months and I still didn’t know if I was at the face yet. Y’know… I hate to admit it, but I’m not sure we kill either of ‘em yet. You’ve slept nearly six hours a night. The Piranha was bored and looking for a chew toy and there I was, ready for chomping. And even now, even now that I knew the truth, I believed in him. It wants you to give a liter of blood? Sounds like it’s time to go home. Then it hit me: the tubing was complicated, but the stuff inside it? Assessment: the room is heavily booby-trapped. You’ll notice I already decided to let some’a the air through one’a Deadeye Dip’s hands here. STRONG: Promises and politicians. Keep walking. I’m sure when you lose as many pieces of face as she has, you learn a lot about prosthetics. JUNO: You’re telling me you’ve never been sent on a wild goose chase before? Three days. I kept my gun aimed at the Piranha, she kept hers at Strong. You’ve got just over ten seconds to jump the three tiles in front of you, make a break for the other side of the room, and duck on the last tile! That’s right, Pilot. The Theia shorting out on me again. Kiki Samko as Sarah Steel, 3.09: Juno Steel and the Shadows on the Ship (Part 1) Vespa Ilkay's best days are behind her. Now let us give you a great big welcome home! SOUND: FOOTSTEPS. JUNO (NARRATOR): JUNO: You got in my way. Little MONSTERS! I’m ready to get paid and go home, and we gotta get back and move on with our lives before the vice-mayor declares you dead. JUNO: A Gilded Globe. No, I don’t think so. But me? The Penumbra is created and produced by Sophie Takagi Kaner and Kevin Vibert. That was always the secret to my success, y’know. Do you hear this, buddy? PEREYRA: Let’s go back now. So, you’re probably wondering why I stopped you out in these irradiated badlands, with all the oogidies and the boogidies waiting to getcha. Don’tcha know anything about respect? You want to get flattened, you go lie down in the road; you don’t do it to each other. And this case should be a closing. JUNO: Down. Knock it off. I wonder why I never built anything down here. (Start with "1.01: Juno Steel and the Case of the Murderous Mask" or "1.09: Second Citadel - The Head of the Janus Beast.") Now you got two. Hey, uh, come on, now, don’t we get any last words or anything? Request received. (OVERLAPPING WITH NUREYEV) You idiot, you’re letting them get away! Temporarily. These sell out fast — stand by for the link to go live. This place was so old it must’ve already been ancient history when Erin D’Arc set the Free Domers up in here. Listen, Juno, if I’m edgy it’s because that’s the only way I’ve figured out how to survive. Mom must’ve pulled us apart soon after. There’s nothing for you here. Behind the support column, go! Didn’t sound like interference to me. The good guys always win, I thought. Follow us on Twitter (@thepenumbrapod), Tumblr (@thepenumbrapodcast), or Facebook (The Penumbra Podcast). SOUND: PUNCH. Priorities. Ugh, look, Piranha-face, are you gonna give up or what? Or don’t. DOOR CLANKS OPEN. JUNO: He just wanted a little sabotage we could eventually tie back to Pilot, but when he heard how I did it he wasn’t too happy. Use that, uh, what’s it called, Spectrum cybernetic and scan this trap. Whether or not they were invincible, they definitely looked it. JUNO (NARRATOR): ERIN (FROM SPEAKER): The mayor is trying to kick me out of my apartment. This isn’t the pod, is it? Why not? JUNO: I’m who they’re waiting for. In poor neighborhoods, the evictions are spreading out in clusters. My head swam. I’ve got a full slate of tests lined up for you, and if you can pass ‘em, welcome to utopia. A door. Yeah, well, I bet whoever invented neon got told that a lot, too. Ben would never start anything like that. My new neighbors. I couldn’t think. PEREYRA: (GRUNTS). STRONG: Hattie and Dinah stumble upon a teenage girl named Allison sleeping on the streets and they take her in, only to discover that she is a runaway and has been searching for her older brother Tommy, whom she hasn't seen in eight years. 38:25 3.24: Second Citadel--Judgment of the Empire (Part 2) Feb 22, 2021. The Dome sample? We need people like him. I want to hear what you think of it. I really do. Follow us on Twitter (@thepenumbrapod), Tumblr (@thepenumbrapodcast), or Facebook (The Penumbra Podcast). Might be dangerous. STRONG: When we get back I’ll take you out to a nice padded cell I know. You can listen on iTunes, YouTube, or our website.As always, $7 Patreon supporters can access the script (with a special something in this one that doesn’t come up in the episode itself! I think you can go first. Above lies a place wracked by spasms of change and below, there is silence, and stillness. Kevin Vibert is our lead writer and recording engineer. Action recommended in three. You think you’re gonna get Good Cop and there’s Realist Cop, here to make you earn your keep. I haven’t said anything about what I—. Except for the whole about-to-be-homeless thing, I feel pretty good about it, yeah. Just a little slower and maybe we’ll get to see a real show! But. But, knowing you’ll want to live and feeling it… those are two different things. It’s either run or die, Mayor Pereyra, and I’m only letting you do one of those. Some of us don’t get to sleep. I think I’m following along. Have you been listening to a word I’ve said? Some housing or something. Now come on, Dome. They cannot be trusted. You tryin’ to skip out on the bill, Pereyra? PIRANHA: I knew it! May 23, 2021. Run?! Genius. Test of Patience. CONDUCTOR: PEREYRA: If you want to be successful, only two things matter in this galaxy: luck, and who you know. I know we can. It was someone I thought you resembled, but… you couldn’t possibly be him. The day he just… handed our lives away because someone said ‘please.’ And why’d he do it? Simon Moody as Mayor Pilot Pereyra, STRONG: Scanning electromagnetic frequencies. Can you? JUNO STEEL AND THE PROMISED LAND (P3) Posted November 14, 2017. PIRANHA: I always got good marks in math. Even when Juno Steel gets his mess together he still leaves a trail of bodies behind him, I thought. T-taking a few hits herself. That’s why I’m here, isn’t it? Extinct predators. Permissions received. Go. JUNO (NARRATOR): Come on in. This big door is going to close automatically in two minutes and this whole place is gonna shut down, and go away, and it, and its stupid promise, can never hurt anyone again. SIMON: I think she really thought… well even if she couldn’t do it… maybe Dad could. Well, look at that. Those are IVs in the armrests… Wonder how much I could get one of these things for…, PEREYRA: You can’t know you’re dead if you’re dead. On staff at The Penumbra: The Penumbra is created and produced by Sophie Takagi Kaner and Kevin Vibert. That earpiece – the one she’d been listening to ‘the big game’ on – fell out of her ear. Go into the Old Subway system, figure out what Mayor Pereyra is trying to get, stop them from getting it, then go home to a parade and a new world order. (CHUCKLES) (CHUCKLES) (SIGHS) This thing on? JUNO: Now I use you. Gets a gal to wondering what’s rolling around in that thick skull of yours, see? Take your seat, please, take your seat. PEREYRA (FROM COMMS): The Free Dome is close, now. Incontrovertible evidence has shown that they have attempted to take my life, that they have successfully taken the lives of others to win this election… and yet, come election day, where are they? And I felt bad for Alessandra, going off into the dark alone. The tiles next to them flipped over, and we got a good look at what lay underneath the floor. This monitor has something written on it in their code. This time I didn’t hear that voice telling me it’d all be easier if I just let it happen. Marshall out.”. Run! How the hell do you figure? We just gotta find out what it is. They care enough to murder, but not enough to show up? So he makes himself sound unreliable. From minute one. You’ve got nothing, now. Don’t you remember me? We’re gonna roast out here, you moron! There’s definitely a connection in there, somewhere. PIRANHA: Alright, there’s gonna be… three tests. NUREYEV: MARSHALL (FROM SPEAKER): Just don’t let me die! I love you, my little monsters. And I could only hope I understood what Strong was saying. SEVERAL LOUD BANGS. In just two short hours—. Doesn’t anyone wear a watch anymore? Oh, sure. Why don’t you step a little faster, P.I.? That’s not a new world. Relax. JUNO: But she might’ve been right. I’ve known people like you two my entire life. SOUND: SEVERAL BLASTER SHOTS. I’d like to see you try! And just the weight of that, knowing that there were more problems than I could fit in my head… it made me exhausted before we’d even begun. But as soon as we get to the Free Dome… pew! The world was going gray. (SIGHS) van The Penumbra Podcast - geen downloads nodig. Good luck with that. Oh, for God’s sake, that’s enough! I care what you think. JUNO: She was pretty smart, for an idiot. Plan settled. 13-19 - The Watchtower—2004. WELL. Kat Buckingham as Alessandra Strong, Need you. LOW ELECTRIC HUM CONTINUES. PEREYRA: JUNO: Go for it, Steel. Promised Land. Why would you care? PEREYRA: So here’s what I want you to do: walk straight. An auction gone awry, An ex-detective shouting his cover at the top of his lungs, spitting it on the floor for all to see, an ingrate, an immature... And my debts, mounting. PEREYRA (FROM COMMS): ‘Cause then you stomp in there and murder Swift yourself and he’s all “let me give you a hug” and “my poor, poor little lady.”. Just watch me! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts! Like roots spreading backward from the Theia into my skull and down my spine. This wouldn’t go off if you wore it into a black hole, Mx. What? Forget it. This isn’t asking in milliliters. Too dizzy to hear you, huh? But, any-anyway, back to where we were: 2 AM. (SIGHS) RUMBLING STOPS. Somehow. It could also get her killed. Inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, this is a powerful and gripping novel about one girl's struggle for justice.The Hate U Give film will be released in Australian cinemas in January 2019. PIRANHA: SOUND: GUN COCKING. Spoiled food. You’ve got to do whatever I say exactly, right? No, wasn’t payin’ attention. We started in a reception hall that didn’t look prepared to receive anybody. JUNO: It’s you, right? It doesn't matter if this statement is actually true; she has convinced herself that it is. The City of God Against the Pagans , often called The City of God, is a book of Christian philosophy written in Latin by Augustine of Hippo in the early 5th century AD. The book was in response to allegations that Christianity brought about ... Relax. He didn’t want to let in anyone who wasn’t smart enough. I know everyone who gets in my way. Do you know how expensive these shoes are? (AFTER A PAUSE) That’s it. PETER NUREYEV: It was before Andromeda, so it was probably one of the Turbos. And do it now, unless you wanna get ventilated. That recording, D’Arc’s kid – he said something about some tests. Promised Lands: Directed by Susan Sontag. I knew a city that could take everything from you in a second couldn’t be all there was. PIRANHA: We’re gonna come out swinging with this one, alright? Whatever. She pulled me up to my feet, and distantly I could feel my hand throbbing. Sure, you can drive across the planet, but even with a radiation-shielded car, those trips have to be fast. JUNO (NARRATOR): SOUND: SHORT SUCTION NOISE. Engines, not so much. Absolutely. The reason there aren’t any stories about happy lives that stay happy is because they’re boring. I got the whole future! Fighting some big evil, burning up in a blaze of glory. They will die. If not… you get nothing. And that was the last we heard from him. Nevermind. Follow us on Twitter (@thepenumbrapod), Tumblr (@thepenumbrapodcast), or Facebook (The Penumbra Podcast). Wow, that’s, uh… really great. You can also support The Penumbra by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter @thepenumbrapod, following us on Tumblr @thepenumbrapodcast, telling your friends about us, telling your friends to tell their friends about us, and especially by rating and reviewing our podcast on iTunes. PIRANHA: We’re here, and you’re still trying to disprove this place? Your fault. I-I mean– the hell is that! Our next stop: Juno Steel and the Promised Land. VOICE 2 (FROM SPEAKER): And… she didn’t look angry. I can barely breathe. Maybe someone oughta hold your hand through this tough time, see? The Dome… it’s in my hands. Mx. STRONG: So, uh… what was up with that weird recording from before? JUNO: Just like He parted the Red Sea, God would part the Jordan River. Yeah, well, you should be. It came from my eye but that wasn’t where I felt it: it grabbed me everywhere, spreading from my spine like a crack in ice, growing, growing, ready to shatter. Trees in the parks – trees out in the desert, can you believe it? If you want one of us, Pilot, you take me. Go! Kat Buckingham is our publicity director. BAM, I’m knockin’ these out. Until… suddenly I didn’t feel it at all. Here it is: the first part of our mid-season finale*. PEREYRA: (STRAINING) Move, Steel! SOUND: RUNNING FOOTSTEPS DEPARTING. Pulse accelerated. (LAUGHS) No, no! They’re not gonna listen. STRONG: So he thought: what’s the only thing so important to Pereyra that they’d leave their city on election day for it? Deactivate this, and then deal with my foot. Little Pilot Pereyra, flying around with their head in the clouds, grew up and found… this. JUNO (NARRATOR): You might as well check on it. JUNO: It looked like someone had left a football field and a chessboard alone with a bottle of liquor and waited for some mistakes to happen: a huge grid of tiles, so many it made my head hurt looking at the endless lines of them ahead. STRONG: PEREYRA: Thank you. According to Alessandra Strong, surviving is what’s hard, because you never get to take a break from it. Than the doors we’ve passed. No people. But it was nothing compared to the feeling in my head. PEREYRA: The tunnel will end in twenty feet. Alice Chung is our designer and financial manager. I couldn’t look at her. Don’t you? The good guys always win. She just looked tired. Marshall out. And it will be. And then, somewhere in the distance, I heard this: MARSHALL (FROM SPEAKER): Our guy, he’s got corporate connections, see? How did you… But you, the great people of Hyperion City, you have chosen to doubt no longer. I looked at the huge gate of the Free Dome, at the big, broken promise of it. I couldn’t look at Alessandra Strong, who had every good reason in the world to live and who I’d probably just killed, again. GUNSHOTS. I hated to admit it but there was something almost divine about them, holding that Dome. …it’s a landslide victory! JUNO (NARRATOR): SOUND: CLICK. You need someone else, so that when you’re not tough enough, they can be; so that right when you want to give up, you remember you can’t. Would you like to perform. Cool. Nothing! Promotional art by Mikaela Buckley. JUNO STEEL AND THE PROMISED LAND (PART THREE). Please be advised that the material appears to be. Kevin Vibert is our lead writer and recording engineer. Somethin’ gives me the impression we’re runnin’ out of time, see? At the Penumbra, you might follow Juno Steel, a brooding, sharp-witted private eye on Mars, as he tangles with an elusive homme fatale, tracks dangerous artifacts of an ancient alien civilization, and faces his three greatest fears: heights, blood, and relationships. Cool, good to know I get to end this whole life thing on an up note. But the management? User Juno Steel? Posted December 24, 2017. The Penumbra is created and produced by Sophie Takagi Kaner and Kevin Vibert. PIRANHA: PEREYRA (FROM COMMS): You can’t give a lady three seconds to collect himself? I can’t decide. Talking to a bunch of dead bodies. The… subway. There’s a keypad, and above that… “Select how much blood you will give.”. Pull yourself together. Now he’s having conversations with himself. The Penumbra is created and produced by Sophie Kaner and Kevin Vibert. So if given the choice, dear Traveler, where would you go? Real mad, mad at the Piranha, at Pilot, at Marshall D’Arc, at Peter Nureyev, at death itself. Every time I try to get you, my—. Let’s just… hang on. Do not. Okay. Juno. (LAUGHS) You got picked up by Ramses O’Flaherty! You want them to shoot you? Something to do with the Dome sample? The door was almost closed. PIRANHA: and Rich Wentworth of Hadron Gospel Hour as the last of the D’Arcs. First: in Polaris Park, nothing is as it seems. Makin’ you go a little bonkers, huh? I’ve been studying them since I was in training heels. With Pilot, with the Piranha, gone, forever. PEREYRA: You think one dirty trick is gonna stop Pilot Pereyra from getting to the Free Dome. STRONG (FROM COMMS): Untouched. You can lose about thirty-five percent of that before you croak – forty if you’re quick – so that means they could reasonably be lookin’ for anywhere up to, eh, let’s say two liters or so. You begged to come along. STRONG: STRONG: JUNO: PEREYRA: JUNO (NARRATOR): JUNO: STRONG: They hit the sand like a sack of bones and rolled, slowly, to a stop. Placeholder audio… test, test… testing rewriteable audio– oh God dammit, not again—. THEIA: …But ready for a fight. JUNO: The laser wall is moving towards—. Every rating, comment, and kind word spreads our stories further and inspires us to keep creating more and better tales to come. Sophie Kaner is our director and sound designer. STRONG (FROM COMMS): PEREYRA: And back then that was bad news: it was a free-for-all, kill-where-the-tech-takes-you kind of thing, and working on the sort of weapons they had back then… tended to loosen people’s screws a little. (GRUNTS) Just activate the chair, already. We need people to build a new city, a better city, a city of the future! Enacting escape protocol. JUNO: JUNO: My head was killing me. Whatever future I want! (CHUCKLES) I was mad. Why do you keep bugging me about my eye? Hyperion City. Thank you. What do you know about real work? Sophie Kaner is our director and sound designer. Idealist suckers always run in packs. STRONG: PEREYRA (FROM COMMS): Her whole thing about safety? Standard donation is about three hundred fifty milliliters. If you’ve enjoyed this tale, please consider donating to The Penumbra on Patreon. Tired of people getting duped, then dead. Unless… I mean… hey, it’s possible. But I knew. It’s… activated! How did you know I needed all that money? Shut up. JUNO: And then, sounding a little disappointed in herself, she said: PIRANHA: Are you kidding, D’Arc?! Just ignore her, hit the button by the tracks, and wait for the pod. JUNO: That’s a good P.I. The story goes that two hundred years ago, when the War was at its most brutal, Erin Marshall D’Arcmade the most important discovery It’s been years! And I don’t like them next to one another. Critical levels. I swear to God, Steel, if you finish that sentence I’m gonna beat you over the head with that stupid eye! JUNO: (SIGHS) If you’ll allow me just a moment. So… no matter how confusing this was getting, I had to think it would all make sense eventually. The Piranha’s breath was warm and damp as a wound. Stop squirming or I kill her, and it’ll be all your fault. I could’ve seen it before they stepped on it but, uh… I… didn’t? Medieval social/political theory from Christine de Pizan, France's first female professional writer. JUNO (NARRATOR): And meanwhile… bigger and better things. JUNO: (DISTANT) JUNO (NARRATOR): So I looked. Your stupid Dome didn’t work, Pilot. That’s how he got you, you know. I’m onto big things, Nureyev. And y’know, I got in my first fight when I was three years old. PIRANHA: (CHUCKLES) Die with Pereyra if you want. And I told you, she was the first Free Domer. I never met her, but Dad… Dad wasn’t good before the radiation either. They’ve made mistakes in the past. PIRANHA: PEREYRA: STRONG: We’ve got to pull the plug on this thing, Steel. —I did not put enough weight on that cartoon that I hadn’t been aware of. It worked. Now bring me to him. Tired of the victims. But it did that by walking up to my body’s steering wheel and shoving me out of the way. No. Well, P.I.? (CHUCKLES) (DISTANT) JUNO: She stole the tech from the military—. Why would you bother taking our guns if you were just going to—. Eat it, Erin! ERIN (FROM SPEAKER): PIRANHA: It’s a straight shot! Kevin Vibert is our lead writer and recording engineer. He is chasing after Pilot Pereyra now. Sorry, Big-Eyes, but I’m a little busy—. On staff at The Penumbra: And yet. My edge is out there. Ah, good evening, Traveler. Where is it, P.I.? I uncover a conspiracy two hundred years dead, and you’re not impressed? That’s how he gets everyone. And that’s not on the table with me. She was one of them, and she found me. Oh, I think you’re sellin’ yourself short, Pilot.

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