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Found inside Page 209Table 2 Computation of R-factor for Kodar watershed Station Rain gauge name Longitude Latitude Mean annual rainfall The formula used for the computation of Topographic Factor LS factor is L S = ( 22.13 ) 0.5 ( 0.065 + 0.045 S Topographic factor. Regardless of the name applied to the factor, it is a ratio. Hill 0.95 1.05 1.15 H Height of hill or In Cte d'Ivoire, the runoff/erosion duo behaves in a very different manner with respect to slope. This equation is: where E, erosion, is expressed in t/ha, S, slope gradient, in %, and L, slope length, in feet (Figure 22). As the slope increases, the type of erosion changes, chiselling the ground into different shapes and thereby increasing the surface area - and hence the number of pores that can absorb water, at least in the initial phase. On a steep slope at the top of the hill (concave slope), rain infiltrates directly as far as the impermeable level, and then drains quickly down to the foot of the hill (gentle slope), where it re-emerges (Roose 1971). The equation includes the rainfall erosivity factor (R), the soil erodibility factor (K), the topographic factors (L and S) and the cropping management factors (C and P). They also go to form microstrata - the phenomenon of glazing familiar to agronomists. Images based on data provided by Prof. K. Auerswald, Technische University Muenchen. The result is known as the combined factor. And this is where the gullies start that then climb back up to attack hills in regressive (headward) erosion. Representative fractions are expressed in the form of 1 followed by a : (colon) and then a number, where the one is the numerator in the fraction, the colon represents the division operation, and the other number is the denominator. C = Cover management factor: soil loss relative to that from a continuously fallow area. Figure 4. where: K 1, K 2, K 3 are determined from Figure 26.8-1 of ASCE 7-10 based on ridge, escarpment, and hill. In 1940 Zingg showed that soil loss increases exponentially with the slope gradient. According to Wischmeier (1974), with a smooth average slope, sediment transport is reduced on a warped or concave slope (due to localized sedimentation), but increased on a convex slope due to the gradient of the steepest portion. 5 Return Periods . Topographic Factor, Kzt Local abrupt topography affects wind near the ground. Wind speed depends on shape of hill, location of building, and height above ground. The value of Kzt was taken as 1 with assumption flat region environment. This factor to accommodate the topographic area of the structure location. Found inside Page 3O S Iszkowski in the structure of his fundamental formula for average now - es hews rigid conditioning of balance factors to no greater accuracy in the calculation of the run - off , the fact that it includes the topographic factor That would give the elevation factor for the line Boulder-Peak. where a and b are parameters made to vary empirically by 25% depending on climatic aggressiveness or specific erosion risks (see Figure 24). I didn't settle for 0.85 as obviously reflected in the calculations above. It has been noted in West Africa that natural vegetation that has survived fires protects landforms very well (Roose 1971, Avenard and Roose 1972). This book presents a novel computation of the topographic LS factor of the USLE model to estimate spatial soil erosion. GroundDistanceBouldertoPeak=72,126.21ft. The C-factor and P-factors were obtained from the literature (Liu et al. For example, the average of the elevation factor at station Boulder (h1), and the elevation factor at station Peak (h2) is the elevation factor for the line (hAvg). Application of Ramser's equation H = 0.305 (2 + [S/3]) in less dangerous conditions.3. For example, consider station Boulder and station Peak illustrated in the figure above. The L and S terms of the equation are often lumped together as "LS" and referred to as the topographic factor. To move from the surface of the Earth down to the ellipsoid, we need to have what's known as an elevation factor. These results clearly indicate the existence of interaction between the effect of slope, plant cover and treatment of crop residues (Table 11). sennafan (Structural) 8 Feb 08 14:32. -. 1.0 = ASCE 7-10 LRFD load factor for wind Values for the topographic factor are taken as 1.0 and the wind directionality factor is taken as 0.85. zt is the topographic speed-up factor, K d is the wind directionality factor which accounts for the fact that the probability that the maximum wind may not impact the structural component or system in its weakest orientation, V is the peak gust windspeed associated with a 500-year return period, divided by 1.5, and In the United States Smith and Wischmeier (1957) have shown that on plots with a slope of 3 to 18% exposed to natural rainfall for 17 years, a second-degree equation works better than the logarithmic functions proposed by other American scientists, though these are in fact very close. Somewhat similar processes have been described and studied on the Sudanian savannahs of central and western Cte d'Ivoire by a multi-disciplinary ORSTOM team (Valentin, Fritsch and Planchon 1987). An azimuth of 90 degrees is east. Creating Topographic Contours from Elevation Points and Rasters. Stable suspensions of colloids may travel long distances through the drainage system. Alongside this quantitative aspect, the forms of erosion change with the slope and the soil profile. If residues are left on the surface as a mulch, erosion is negligible even beyond 20%. ElevationFactor=0.99965247. In other words, it is not the slope distance but rather the distance between them corrected to an averaged horizontal plane, as is common practice. The USLE is composed of six factors to predict the long-term average annual soil loss (A). Lastly, on slopes of more than 20%, the runoff evacuation system removes particles of all sizes (up to 5 or 10 mm in diameter) and digs out grooves, so that the soil surface becomes extremely uneven, with deep rills (5-20 cm) and numerous humps chiselled by rain and runoff and protected by objects such as seeds, roots, leaves, bits of pottery and even hardened or crusted clods. For practical purposes, then, this is the distance between the two stations on the topographic surface of the Earth. LS is the topographic factor (L slope length factor & S slope steepness factor). This is important because the topographic factor (and the RUSLE entirely) is very sensitive to the slope factor . They are calculated by slope length and slope angle. For flat terrain, this value is approximately 1.0. A ratio, calculated solely from topographic (terrain elevation) data, of the diurnal temperature amplitude or range in a valley to that at the same altitude over the adjacent plain. An exponent in the region of 2 would seem more likely under African conditions (Hudson 1973). The soil on steep slopes and hilltops will dry out quicker, thus producing less runoff. In Cte d'Ivoire, Lafforgue and Naah (1976) simulated 12 rainfalls totalling 652 mm for an aggressiveness index of 1161 on four plots with a 6% slope on former grassland. Geosciences, 5: 117-126. The book's contributors describe how TAPES are applied to specific geomorphologic problems, explain the algorithms used in current terrain analysis software, and examine the interpretation and use of terrain attributes in predictive models. Found insideFor readers not directly involved with either of these professions, this book shows how over the centuries our lives have been shaped and enriched by landscape and architecture. Erosion is a crucial information for sustainable management of land resources within a particular watershed. The College of Earth and Mineral Sciences is committed to making its websites accessible to all users, and welcomes comments or suggestions on access improvements. The topographic factor maps are draped over elevation surface. The equation takes the simple product form: A = R K L S C P {\displaystyle A=RKLSCP} Topographic Factor, K zt:. This courseware module is part of Penn State's College of Earth and Mineral Sciences' OER Initiative. With such a small distance between them, many practitioners at the time took the point of view that, for all practical purposes, the ellipsoid and the geoid were in the same place. However, as mentioned here, the measurements are not made on the ellipsoid. Convert Cm To M Length / Distance Conversions. Found inside Page 230The different factors of the Universal Soil Loss Equation are successively examined below . formulated according to the principles of the Universal Soil Loss Equation enable calculation of a topographic factor ranging from 0.1 to 20 It is possible to refine the calculation of the elevation factor by using an average of the actual radial distances from the center of the ellipsoid to the end points of the line, rather than the approximate 20,906,000 feet. No. Slope is the measure of steepness or the degree of inclination of a feature relative to the horizontal plane. Slopes varied from 4.5 to 65%. Topographic Wind Factor (Kzt) according to ASCE 7-10. The presence of concave slopes in a landscape indicates that there must be trapping, siltation and colluvial deposit in the valley. The result is known as the combined factor. Although slope has a powerful influence on erosion, the presence of erosion and heavy runoff on gentle slopes (2% in the Sahel or on European uplands) indicates that this phenomenon can occur without any need for a steep slope: the action of rain is enough (Fauck 1956, Fournier 1967). But, that is not the whole story when it comes to reducing distance to the State Plane Coordinate grid. Slope is typically expressed as a percentage, an angle, or a ratio.The average slope of a terrain feature can conveniently be calculated from contour lines . If you are working with a file in meters and need to generate contours in feet, use the Z Factor field to enter the conversion factor. When the slope is gentle, runoff energy is too weak to carry relatively coarse sandy particles very far. Kzt - The topographic factor is dependent on the gross terrain. If the numbers associated with specific . topographic surveys, the elevation and horizontal position of each survey point is required. When required, the Ct factor is calculated per Article The formula above provides guidance on how to estimate the wind speed correlating to the particular pressure. At Boukomb in northern Benin (Willaime 1962), observations on three plots under millet 21, 32 and 41 metres long with a 3.7% slope showed scarcely any difference in runoff (KR = 4%) or erosion (E = 0.8, 1 and 0.7 t/ha). Contact Us, Privacy & Legal Statements | Copyright Information The TWI has been used to study spatial scale effects on hydrological processes 1 inch (in) = 2.54 centimeters 1 centimeter (cm) = 0.39 inch 1 foot (ft) = 12 inches = 30.5 centimeters = 0.3 meter 1 yard (yd) = 36 inches = 3 feet = 91.44 centimeters = 0.9 meter 1 meter (m) = 100 centimeters = 39.37 . BPA827. Parameters needed to calculate the topographic factor, \({M}_{t}\) , based on section 4.4 of AS/NZS 1170.2. This means that the ill effects of slope length can all be countered by building erosion control structures; all interactions of factors concerning the condition of the surface must be brought into play, especially encouraging roughness of soil and plant cover on cultivated fields between semi-pervious filtering structures. On bare soil runoff dropped from 44 to 35 and 29% as the slope increased from 4 to 7 and 20%. 9. He recorded a more than proportional increase of erosion with the slope, but highlighted the existence of gradient thresholds below which erosion is small but above which it suddenly increases. Estimating the influence of the concavity, convexity, regularity or warp of a slope is a very delicate procedure. The procedure consists of observing directions by the azimuth method, and distances by stadia. Adiopodoum 1956-1972.Ferralitic soil on clayey-sandy tertiary material.Mean rainfall: 2100 mm. And that place was called sea level. 2217 Earth and Engineering Sciences Building, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802 This uncertainty over the influence of slope length on sheet and rill erosion throws fresh doubt on the generalized use of erosion control techniques such-as terracing, bunds and diversion channels which are too often indiscriminately applied in very different climates. 1.051 Structural Engineering Design Prof. When it rains, these are released by the splash effect and then slowly carried downhill. If site conditions and locations of structures do not meet all the conditions specified in section 26.8.1 then K zt =1.0. That would give the elevation factor for the line Boulder-Peak. 28.3-1 at mean roof height h The numerical coef cient 0.00256 (0.613 . Thus, a Topographic Factor value, Kzt equal to 1.0 is to be used. The topographic wetness index (TWI) was developed by Beven and Kirkby (1979) within the runoff model TOP-MODEL. Slope is typically expressed as a percentage, an angle, or a ratio.The average slope of a terrain feature can conveniently be calculated from contour lines . If forest is cleared manually without destroying the root network that provides cohesion to the topsoil, the soil can resist the aggressiveness of rainfall for one or two years. Once the elevation factor is available, it is multiplied with the scale factor. The multiplication between elevation scale factor with the grid scale factor, the result is known as the combined scale factor (CSF). The next slide is a topographic map of Owingsville along with an aerial image of the town: 6. . Found inside Page 404used formula for the topographic factor is ( U.S. Department of Agriculture , 1975 ) . LS 430x2 + 30x + 0.43 6.57415 ( 11.2 ) 72.6 where 1 = field slope length , ft m = 0.5 if slope equals 5 % or greater = 0.4 if slope equals 4 As wind speed increases with elevation of a building, so to, wind speed increases with height up a hill. Reading through 26.11.4 of the code, it said "the gust-effect factor shall be taken as 0.85 or calculated by this formula" which in my understanding, is that the engineer gets to decide if he wants a detailed calculation or he'll just settle for 0.85. Surface strip mining is currently the fastest way to recover lignite and bituminous coal. It is dened as ln( a/tan) where a is the local upslope area draining through a certain point per unit con-tour length and tan is the local slope. And technology by which lines are measured has improved dramatically. It is an approximation used in creating this elevation factor. . Wischmeier's SL factor for-the distance given by Saccardy's equation is not constant, but increases progressively from 0.4 for a 3% slope 66 m long, to 11 for a 50% slope and a gap of 12.7 m. At the very most, it can be agreed that Formula 3 can also be written: H.C = 64. where C is a coefficient depending on local conditions, particularly climate, December 14, 2015. Therefore, in SPCS83, the factor for reducing a measured distance to the ellipsoid is known as the ellipsoid factor. As the gradient increases, the kinetic energy of rainfall remains constant, but transport accelerates toward the foot as the kinetic energy of the runoff increases and outweighs the kinetic energy of the rainfall when the slope (S) exceeds 15%. Similarly, during the second cropping cycle, planting took place in August so that the pineapple plants provided good cover to the soil before the aggressive rains of the following June; very little erosion was recorded, whatever the slope and the way crop residues were handled. The primary factor when creating a hillshade map for any particular location is the location of the sun in the sky. in the following: the importance factor is set to 1, the directionality factor, Kd, to 0.85 (as per section 2.8.3) and an uncracked modulus of elasticity is used for concrete poles. t d = 2 t I i f z (K zt) 0.35 Section 10.5 Wind on ice-covered structures. A possible explanation for this is the history of soil disturbance at the study site. C factor calculation technique was identified as the most important decision for future soil loss estimates at the site. Another proposal for Burkina Faso (Boulbi).6/7/8. S = Slope steepness factor: ratio of loss from a 9% under the same conditions. Cropping Management Factor (C) The erosion equation, as applied to cropland and hayland, uses established factor relationships to estimate a basic soil loss that is determined by soil properties, topographic features, certain conserva- tion practices, and expected rainfall patterns for a specific field. The cross-section shows observed deposited material, indicating locations where these topographic erosion factors are not applicable for modeling long term net erosion/deposition pattern. Although these sequences in a Sudanian region operate very differently from those of marls in a Mediterranean region, topographical position often seems significant in explaining the development of erosion. Topographic Factor, K zt = (1+K 1 +K 2 +K 3) 2 where K 1, K 2, K 3 are determined from Figure 6-4 of ASCE 7-02. The Pennsylvania State University 2020, GPS and GNSS for Geospatial Professionals, Lesson 6: State Plane Coordinates and Heights, State Plane Coordinate Zones 1983, False Eastings and Scale, Lesson 7: Static Global Positioning System Surveying, Lesson 8: Real-Time Global Positioning System Surveying, Lesson 10: Global Navigation Satellite Systems and the Future, State Plane Coordinate Zones 1983, False Eastings and Scale, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute, Earth and Mineral SciencesEnergy Institute, iMPS in Renewable Energy and Sustainability Policy Program Office, BA in Energy and Sustainability Policy Program Office, 2217 Earth and Engineering Sciences Building, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802. From a scientific viewpoint, the topographical factor and its multiple interactions should be further investigated and more clearly defined, for the influence of slope is not independent of plant cover, cropping techniques, soil type and probably climate (Roose 1973; 1977). LS = Topographic factor, L = Slope length factor: ratio of loss from a given slope length to soil loss from a 72.6 ft length under the same conditions. Found inside Page 227Even experienced engineers often miscalculate the topographic factor. Much of the confusion the topographic in the calculation feature exceeds of Kzt is half based of on Lh how , the equations are manipulated when the height, H, This factor can be calculated in various ways depending on unit preferences and available data. The ellipsoidal height of Peak, h2, is 9,099 feet. This factor is as high as 1.89 for top of building installations. Dabou terraces (Cte d'Ivoire) and contour hedges.9. which is the same as saying that the energy comes from the runoff if the slope is 25% or more. In addition to human activities, this study found that topography is also an important factor affecting land surface temperature (LST). In general, runoff was weaker on the long plot (KR = 19% as against 21%), while erosion was higher (E = 6.08 as against 5.55 t/ha/yr) than on the two short plots, but the difference in behaviour was barely significant. In Topographic Drawing, we solved the problem to get the Stadia Interval Factor with the formula of K=D/S wherein: K= stadia interval factor, C= stadia constant, S= stadia hair reading (upper, lower), and. The ratio is the relationship between an approximation of the Earths radius and that same approximation with the mean ellipsoidal height of the measured line added to it. For this reason, since 2009, the rock slide is the subject of study and monitoring using a robotic station (Bertacchini et al., 2010). RE: Wind Speed-Up Topographic Factor. However, it does appear that under major crops the land must be partitioned with linear structures - semi-pervious microdams - which allow a reduction in runoff energy while encouraging the evacuation of water to the bottom of well-protected banks. For example, the importance factor applicable in ASCE 7- Hudson (1957 and 1973) considered that a higher exponent value is more appropriate in tropical regions. Introduction and history; Rainfall-runoff erosivity factor (R); Soil erodibility factor (K); Slope length and steepness factors (LS); Cover-management factor (C); Support practice factor (P); RUSLE user guide; Coversion to SI metric system; TABLE 11Runoff (KR %) and erosion (t/ha) on bare soil and under pineapple as a function of crop residues (cf. It has even been seen that slope length has no apparent effect on erosion at certain stations in Africa. Adiopodoum has three plots under closed secondary forest, and three cultivated in 1966/67, maintained under bare fallow, and tilled before the rainy season from 1968 to 1972. . I = soil erodibility. < 25 % H = 260 S (2)> 25 % H = 64 S (3). paper). The book concludes with practical examples on the application of magnetic methods in environmental science, agriculture, soil pollution, and paleoclimate. Masterpiece offers a detailed discussion of the nature of the earth's terrestrial environment, and a method of subdividing and studying it. 1941 edition. Index contours are bold or thicker lines that appear at every fifth contour line. The site editor may also be contacted with questions or comments about this Open Educational Resource. escarpment relative to 33 Hill Shape K 1 /(H/L h) Exposure B C D 2-D Ridges (or valleys with - H) 1.30 1.45 1.55 2-D Escarpments 0.75 0.85 0.95 3-D Axisym. This means that each year the slope of the plots must be readjusted so that the results are not falsified by default. Another proposal for Burkina Faso (Ouahigouya).5. New in 2015 NBCC, the Topographic Factor, Ct, is defined per Article Slope Calculation from Contour Lines in a Topographic Map. Table 1-2 Values for topographic factor, LS, for moderate ratio of rill to interrill erosion. Ramser's equation modified (South Africa).10. Heusch (1969, 1970, 1971) then showed that on pre-Rif marls in Morocco, erosion and runoff are sometimes affected more by position in the toposequence than by gradient. In the area of stations Boulder and Peak, the average ellipsoidal radius is actually a bit longer, but it is worth noting that within the continental United States such variation will not cause a calculated geodetic distance to differ significantly. In all other cases, Ct = 1.0000. Found inside Page 563Page Revision ( s ) map 88 517 extensive 883 517 extent , limited 882 517 sheet 884 518 definition of 884 518 562 factor ( s ) ( table 4.1 ) 412 formula 4114 map manuscripts , for scaling distances from 562 photograph , of a The soil surface is almost flat on 4% slopes, but on a 7% slope, these lower areas deepen into widened rills into which sand in the washload settles. In general, erosion on the hillside exceeds the sediment transport in the river although this is not the case in the Mediterranean area, where the main cause of sediment transport is the energy and volume of runoff (Heusch 1971; Arabi and Roose 1989). Resources within a particular watershed runoff decreased, while erosion and sediment Load increased as the combined scale factor the. Hence, reducing a measured line from the surface of the Earth 's environment. Concavity, convexity, regularity or warp of a feature relative to that from a %., both in terms of its form, gradient, a topographic map estimates at the State Creating this elevation factor, or the horizontal plane beyond 20 % in elevation between lines. Is 20,906,000 feet measurements on map I didn & # x27 ; t settle for as! Nbcc, the result is known as the slope is the location of the soil, thus producing less.! On a topographic map the U.S. Geological Survey ( USGS ) Penn State 's College of Earth Mineral. Before saturation of undermined banks, wandering wadis, gullying and landslides ( Heusch 1971 has! X I & gt ; = 8 then soil is HEL from meters to feet, the measurements are applicable! 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