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The premise of the series revolves around the Federation taking control of Deep Space Nine, a Cardassian-built space station orbiting Bajor, at the request of the . Armaments: STAR TREK ONLINE STARSHIPS #19 DAMAR CLASS CARDASSIAN INTEL. Legate: This is the equivalent of a Starfleet Admiral or Klingon General, it is also similar to a Breen Thot. Specifications While the target is Vulnerable, one of three Expose Vulnerability abilities can be used. Here is a blast from the past. 6. Star Trek's grittiest and most challenging series may have reached its climactic conclusion on the television screen, but all-new adventures on the frontiers of Federation space continue between the covers of Pocket Books. Damar Class. Essentially an uprated Galor class vessel with an additional hull section added to the dorsal surface. 1 History 2 Technical specifications 3 Ships commissioned 4 Appendices 4.1 Connections 4.2 Sources consulted 4.3 Footnotes When the Alpha Quadrant Alliance (AQA) was formed in 2409, the Cardassian Union joined and gave clearance to the Civil Defense Force to begin . As the Federation and Cardassia Prime celebrate their strengthening ties and the Cardassian ambassador to the Federation arranges a glittering diplomatic reception, forces who oppose the alliance prepare to make their move. Education. Auxiliary craft: After the Cardassian Union joined the Dominion, Dukat controlled the Cardassian and Dominion fleets, with Weyoun at his side overseeing his decisions.. After the Second Battle of Deep Space 9, Dukat lost his status as leader of the Cardassian people.His successor, Legate Damar, had limited control over the Cardassian military, since Weyoun and the Female Changeling often overrode his military . As the war between the Dominion and the Federation rages across the Alpha Quadrant, Counselor Deanna Troi finds she is faced with more than she expected when she kidnaps a telepathic killer to bring to the aid of the resistance movement on The Cardassian Border Wars lasted from 2347-2366, a truce was signed, followed by an armistice which led to the creation of the Cardassian Demilitarised Zone (DMZ). 2376 peta'Q yan Class. Sign Up. He is a controversial figure, following acts of fratricide and patricide during the Cardassian Civil War. In the late Dominion War detachments from this order, according to Damar's speech at the start of the Cardassian Rebellion, attacked the Dominion outposts and . deflector shields[3] Description: The massive Damar-class Intel Science Dreadnought exemplifies these qualities with its intelligence gathering capabilities well-tuned to support its rather vast array of scientific capabilities.This flagship vessel is named after the famous (or, some might say, infamous) military leader who redeemed himself . The Cardassian Damar-class Intel Science Dreadnought has a cloak that allows the ship to cloak when not in combat, granting stealth and a damage bonus upon decloaking. Passed down from the time of Kahless, ten precepts have shaped Klingon culture andindoctrinated Klingons in the Way of the Warrior. Found insideAn all-new novel based upon the explosive Star Trek TV series! Starship Damar-class Cardassian Intel Science Dreadnought. Sign up here. For example, Damar who has achieved the rank of Gul is referred to as Gul Damar. Against a background of conflict and chaos, alliances were made and broken, ideals compromised for the sake of survival, fortunes shifted and lives irrevocably shattered as the series explored the impact of war on combatant and civilian Male Names: Lukin, Luce, Fargan, Bronar. quantum slipstream and transwarp velocities[3] Large heavy cruiser armed with phasers, spiral-wave disruptors, torpedoes and kinetics weapons that serves as a command cruiser for the Cardassian Defense Force. For each console added after the first, an additional passive bonus is unlocked. Broca Class. Cardassian support platform cluster[4], spiral wave disruptor beam arrays, cannon and turret, and photon torpedo launchers[3] D'Kyr Class. Damar was a male Cardassian soldier and military leader in the 24th century Cardassian Union. Ships of the class appeared as a miniaturised version of the pre-war Galor-class destroyer. Cardassians who are a member of the military or the Obsidian Order have a title based on their rank and are referred to such in addition to their given name. As you level up, this ship gains additional hull, weapon slots, and console slots. Players can obtain this starship from the Zen Store for 3,000 under the name Cardassian Intel . Visit my channel for more Victory is Life content! This starship's equipment slots, base hull capacity and shield capacity scale as your level increases. Crew: (DS9 novel: A Stitch in Time), In 2376, the first Damar-class starships had entered service and operated as destroyers. I present to you series of new, original custom ship cards, beginning with the DAMAR-CLASS CRUISER. As you level up, this ship gains additional hull, weapon slots, and console slots. This starship can be used from any level upon completion of the tutorial experience. Explore. Broca Class. The Cardassian Damar Intel Science Dreadnought comes equipped with a single wing of Yukawa Frigates. (STO - Victory Is Life missions: "Welcome to Earth Spacedock", "The Hunt is On", "Explore the Flotilla", "Ceremony"), Councillor Elim Garak participated in the investigation into Hur'q aggression and used the Damar-class CUV Tain as his flagship while in the Gamma Quadrant. They are separate from Subsystem Targeting abilities gained through Tactical Space Bridge officer abilities. A modernized vessel available to Cardassian players in Star Trek Online, the Damar-class Science Intel Dreadnought is named for the famous Cardassian leader who rose up and led a rebellion against the rule of the Dominion. Qu'Vat Class. Keys to success were a focus on misdirection and undermining enemy effectiveness. Protective systems included deflector shields and a cloaking device[3]. Rare Admiral Riker Personnel - Federation V.I.P. Template:Faction The Cardassian Union, sometimes referred to as the Cardassian Empire has a long, rich history. Female Names: Silara, Illiana, Zorana, Mila. Furious, the Founder leader ordered the extermination of the entire Cardassian population. Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. dreadnought (intel science dreadnought) I thought I'd take a new . Create. Cardassian Union, Cardassian Defense Force Corat Damar was an officer of the Cardassian Guard who served under Gul Dukat.His fortunes rose and fell with Dukat's, and following Dukat's mental breakdown after the Federation's Operation Return offensive, Damar assumed his place as leader of the Cardassian Union.Eventually, he rebelled, leading Cardassian forces against their Dominion "allies," and was killed just as . It was conceived as a juggernaut to lead a new line of cloak-enabled, intelligence-focused starships. Log In. Koval Class. Cardassian Union/History/Dominion War. Damar . 2384 []. Cruising speed: The Damar participated in the Second Battle of Earth, the final confrontation between the galactic alliance and Iconian Empire forces. Length: 998 metres. Galor Class. (STO - The Iconian War mission: "Midnight"). The city held 2 million Cardassian citizens. Found inside"Based on the Twitter account @TNGS8 created by Mike McMahan and based upon Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation created by Gene Roddenberry." Makbar Class. The Damar class was a 25th century Cardassian Union starship type, a tier 6-rated intel science dreadnought in Self-Defense Force[1] service in the 2410s decade. He served under Gul Dukat and succeeded him as its leader under the Dominion. This flagship vessel is named after the famous (or, some might say, infamous) military leader who redeemed himself in the closing days of the Dominion War by leading a stand against Cardassia's Dominion oppressors, inspiring the people of Cardassia to free themselves from their harsh rule. Based on the a. . phaser arrays, energy dissipator All credit for how nice these renders look, goes to the amazing ship design artists at Cryptic Studios. Star Trek CCG - Reflections 1.0 (1st Edition) Decipher - 2000. Wedding Traditions [] Known to be a polygamous society, this practice is generally done more so in the upper classes who can afford to look after another wife and the added children. Found inside Miranda class, Starfleet registry number NCC31905. The ShirKahr fought in the combined fleet of allied Alpha Quadrant forces that invaded Cardassian (ST video game: Armada mission: "A Call to Power"), The Damar-class shared its spaceframe with the Galor-class but was smaller and had a crew complement of 80. The Starship Rhea has discovered a cluster of carbon planets that seems to be the source of the quantum energies rippling through a section of space. Imagine say the Damar/Ghemor/Dapata class ships with the Spiral Wave Disruptor Lance console, what ever consoles they come with and armed with Spiral Wave Disruptors (which I think look like phasers and even have the phaser proc so it will look like the show) and the Bioneural Warhead which is Cardassian technology after all. After Dukat's breakdown into insanity due to the death of his daughter, Tora Ziyal, Damar was placed in command of the Cardassian people. Like all vessels in the Khitomer Alliance, this class could deploy shuttlecraft for mission needs, and was equipped to reach quantum slipstream and transwarp velocities when not cruising at warp 9.9+[3]. The Ghemor Class. Found insideNever before published, Blood and Fire is the long-awaited conclusion to the Star Wolf series. The Cardassian Union shared this class with the rest of the Khitomer Alliance, including its newest member, the Dominion and its Vanguard Fleet. Barada Damaris the youngest son of deposed Cardassian warlord Ragat Damar, famous for his command of the experimental Cardassian/Tholian vessel The Morat. I've never particularly liked slow turning science ships for the obvious problem that science . Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. The true story behind one of the greatest tragedies in Star Trek history, and the rise of some of its greatest heroes in this thrilling and unputdownable novel. This in-depth reference book covers Starfleet vessels from the 24th century, including the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D, U.S.S. Voyager and Starfleet's first true warship: the U.S.S. Defiant. The Cardassian Union (also known as the Cardassian Empire) was one of the major factions in the Star Trek universe. Chronicles the seven-year history of the television series with in-depth synopses, interviews with cast and crew, and photographs and illustrations that span all 176 episodes. The Damar-class, named for the martyred military leader, was a large dreadnought that applied some of the systems of science vessels . Victory is Life Dev Blog - Gamma Vanguard Pack, Victory is Life Dev Blog - JemHadar Vanguard and Cardassian Intelligence Starship Stats & Abilities, Prototype Walker Light Exploration Cruiser, Bellerophon Long Range Science Vessel Refit, Excelsior Advanced Heavy Cruiser Retrofit, Fleet Excelsior Advanced Heavy Cruiser Retrofit, Fleet Galaxy Exploration Cruiser Retrofit, Montgomery Dyson Reconnaissance Science Destroyer, Helios Dyson Surveillance Science Destroyer, Steamrunner Blockade Runner Escort Retrofit, Mirror Trident Reconnaissance Science Vessel, Fleet Comet Reconnaissance Science Vessel, Fleet Nebula Advanced Research Vessel Retrofit, Intrepid Long Range Science Vessel Retrofit, Fleet Intrepid Long Range Science Vessel Retrofit, Aventine Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer, Rademaker Multi-Mission Strategic Explorer, Vesta Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer, Fleet Olympic Research Science Vessel Retrofit, Fleet Shepard Miracle Worker Battlecruiser, Concorde Operations Command Battlecruiser, Tellarite Pralim Flight Deck Assault Carrier, Fleet Tellarite Pralim Flight Deck Assault Carrier, Constitution Temporal Flight Deck Carrier, Constitution Miracle Worker Flight Deck Carrier, Constitution Miracle Worker Light Cruiser, Kelvin Constitution Heavy Command Cruiser, Fleet Cardenas Command Dreadnought Cruiser, Kelvin Vengeance Intel Dreadnought Cruiser, Universe Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Cruiser, Fleet Malachowski Multi-Mission Command Cruiser, Fleet Dauntless Experimental Science Vessel, Intrepid Miracle Worker Multi-Mission Science Vessel, Palatine Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer, Esquiline Multi-Mission Strategic Explorer, Brigid Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer, Fleet Akira Heavy Strike Wing Escort (T6), Orion Corsair Flight Deck Carrier Retrofit, Fleet Orion Corsair Flight Deck Carrier Retrofit, Fleet Nausicaan Scourge Destroyer Retrofit, Fleet QeHpu' Advanced Light Battlecruiser, Orion Blackguard Flight Deck Assault Carrier, Fleet Orion Blackguard Flight Deck Assault Carrier, Durgath Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Battlecruiser, Gorn Khaimas Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Vessel, Gorn Ihgomas Multi-Mission Strategic Vessel, Gorn Ahgamas Multi-Mission Surveillance Vessel, Fleet Ar'kif Tactical Carrier Warbird Retrofit, Fleet D'deridex Warbird Battlecruiser Retrofit, Suliban Silik Flight Deck Assault Carrier, Fleet Suliban Silik Flight Deck Assault Carrier, Deleth Advanced Light Warbird Battlecruiser, Fleet Deleth Advanced Light Warbird Battlecruiser, D'deridex Miracle Worker Warbird Battlecruiser, Valkis Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Warbird, Fleet Jem'Hadar Vanguard Temporal Warship, Xindi-Aquatic Narcine Dreadnought Carrier, Xindi-Aquatic Briostrys Dreadnought Carrier, Sphere Builder Denuos Dreadnought Carrier, Elachi Sheshar Command Dreadnought Cruiser, Xindi-Primate Ateleth Dreadnought Cruiser, Cardassian Ghemor Intel Flight Deck Carrier, Eternal Temporal Multi-Mission Science Vessel, Hur'q Nekcrid Assembly Multi-Mission Science Vessel, Xindi-Insectoid Olaen Heavy Strike Wing Escort. Damar class David Gerrold, the creator of "Tribbles," recalls how this popular episode of Star Trek was made, from conceptualizing the first draft to the final script, shooting on set, and explaining the techniques and disciplines of TV writing. Cardassian Damar Class Heavy Cruiser. shields Legate Damar (2375). Found inside Page 1"I.D.I.C." Part 6 of 6! It's the series finale of Star Trek: Boldly Go, and the climactic final chapter of the epic "I.D.I.C." saga! Equipped with a vast array of sensory and analytical . Due to the Military Government on Cardassia a Legate functions as a diplomatic envoy to non-CU worlds. Legate Damar (2375). Damar distracts the Jem'Hadar long enough for Kira to shoot one, and Garak stabs the other. More Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki, Memory Beta articles sourced from video games, This class appeared as a non-playable menace in a limited number of maps in the game. At the time of launch, those were Federation Starfleet, the Klingon Defense Force, the Romulan Republic Navy, and the Dominion's Jem'Hadar Vanguard Fleet. But the wisdom behind them was not won without a high cost in lives and latnium. Now at last these inspiring tales of avaricious Ferengi wresting monetary gain from the jaws of poverty are available to the profit-hungry across the galaxy! Aenaer Class. warp 9.9+[3] Collect the original ships created for STAR TREK ONLINE, the hit video game based on STAR TREK! First published in 1992 and last revised in 1995, this is a fitting record of a show that changed the rules by which television was made. (ST video game: Armada mission: "A Call to Power"). Pioneering features, derived from its intel starship configuration, included active sensor arrays and warp signature masking[4]. The Damar-Class Cardassian Science Dreadnought (Issue 19): "A modernized vessel available to Cardassian players in Star Trek Online, the Damar-class Science Intel Dreadnought is named for the . These small craft represent an updated design of the Hideki-class frigates still seen in use around the galaxy. Sign in | Recent Site Activity | Report Abuse | Print Page | Powered By Google Sites . Don't have an account? Damar, along with Kira Nerys, Elim Garak, and a handful of Cardassian volunteers, mounted a daring assault against the Dominion headquarters compound, seeking to capture the Founder alive and force an end to hostilities. Following the publication of Deep Space Nine tenth anniversary books RISING SON, THE LIVES OF DAX and THE LEFT HAND OF DESTINY, PROPHECY AND CHANGE is an anthology of original stories celebrating the television series. Cardassian Union Founded 20th century Founder Tret Akleen Home world Cardassia Prime: Official language(s) Cardassian, (see: universal translator) Currency lek [1] Affiliation Dominion: The Cardassians are an extraterrestrial species in the Star Trek . As the title says, I have one of these and am interested in making it work, however I'm scratching my head. 80 Description: The massive Damar-class Intel Science Dreadnought exemplifies these qualities with its intelligence gathering capabilities well-tuned to support its rather vast array of scientific capabilities.This flagship vessel is named after the famous (or, some might say, infamous) military leader who redeemed himself . T6 Cardassian Intel Escort Detapa-Class. 3D model. 6. Cardassia Prime, which is most often known simply as Cardassia, is the depleted homeworld of the Cardassians and the capital of the Cardassian Union.Once a peaceful race that prided themselves on their rich cultural traditions, the Cardassians' industrial age stripped the planet of most of its natural resources. This ability is part of the Reformation Reinforcements Set, which also includes [Console - Universal - Cardassian Mobile Torpedo Platform] and [Console - Universal - Spiral Wave Blast Module] obtainable with Cardassian Intel Flight-Deck Cruiser (T6) and Cardassian Intel Escort (T6), but also equippable on the Cardassian Damar Intel Science Dreadnought. This is strange, because a tailor is the one thing Garak never wanted to be. But it is the tailor whom both Cardassia and Elim Garak need. It is the tailor who can put the pieces together, who can take a stitch in time. Jevriani began a conspiracy involving Praetor Sorlak by employing the same scientists who created the . Vulcan Confederacy. Orthographic view created for reference use only. Subsystem Targeting abilities gained through tactical SPACE bridge officer abilities masking [ 4 ] but they would build. My channel for more info a vast array of sensory and analytical represent updated Memory Beta, cardassian damar-class Star Trek Wiki is a good resource of the class appeared a. When the Female Changeling negotiated with the Galor-class but was: Armada mission: `` Home )! A Cardassian starship type, a heroic captain and his crew explore the galaxy into the model as there be. From Bajor, ending the occupation of Bajor equipped with a single wing of Yukawa Frigates to Breen Along the Bajor System inside Miranda class, Starfleet registry number.. A Call to power '' ) not be a truly accurate copy the smaller to! Obvious problem that Science these destroyers are referred to as the Cardassian Intel. 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