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He is an Imperial agent of the Imperial Security Bureau, assigned in making sure that everyone remains loyal to the Empire and anyone who shows any whiff of disloyalty is eliminated. Agent Kallus quickly proved himself to be an admirer of the Sith Lord for his creativity, strategic ability, and obvious war experience. The introduction of Zare Leonis, Ezra's true mission and the friends he makes at Lothal's Imperial Academy, plus a space battle . During the parade, the rebels destroyed an experimental TIE Advanced v1 starfighter. 1627486489. Found insideWhat if you uncovered a conspiracy that reached to every corner of the Galactic Empire--and you were the only one who knew about it? Kallus admitted he'd exhausted every resource to capture them, even bringing in The Grand Inquisitor himself, but the Rebels have proven elusive. [15], Kallus helping Sabine and the defecting cadets to escape, Following his encounter with Zeb, Kallus's doubts began to grow. [37], Kallus' Imperial light cruiser tracked the Ghost to an imploded star cluster in Wild Space. Kallus fighting Thrawn following his exposure as "Fulcrum". Coruscant After Hera's squadron of Y-wings returned to Yavin 4 after a mission, Kallus interrupted the Spectres' reunion to inform them that the rebel leader Mon Mothma had requested an audience with them. He commandeered The Lawbringer over Lothal in early season 1 IIRC. Indeed, a rebel cell led by former Governor Ryder Azadi had been sabotaging the vehicles. Agent Kallus is one of the ISB's most effective agents, using his cunning and combat prowess to snuff out the spark of rebellion at its source.This expansion invites you to put this ruthless agent in command of your Imperial army, beginning with a highly . During the skirmish, Kallus engaged the Lasat in single combat. [39], Later, Agent Kallus accompanied Governor Pryce aboard the bridge of a Star Destroyer. [45], While traveling back to Lothal, the rebels and their allies waited aboard the Ghost in hyperspace to latch on to an Imperial container transport at the suggestion of Hondo. Enraged, Pryce ordered two stormtroopers to throw him out of the ship through an airlock. To the agent's disbelief, the clones brought their walker right up against Kallus' walker and rammed its legs to overbalance it. : ISB 021 Agent Kallus What is your steam name? Check out the video introducing Agent Kallus below: . When the Rebels attacked and Tua got on the shuttle, Kallus blew it up and framed the Rebels for her murder. Upon landing, Kallus along with Rex, Gregor, and Wolffe helped Ezra and Ryder's forces to defeat Governor Pryce's forces at the Lothal cliff dwelling. Due to the high rate of malfunctioning vehicles produced by the Lothal Imperial factory, the Imperial High Command dispatched Grand Admiral Thrawn to restore order and to investigate the factory for saboteurs. [8], Before Thrawn debarked for ground assault, Kallus mockingly warned him that he had been in Thrawn's position before and been defeated by the rebels. When Admiral Konstantine reported that the Rebels got through the blockade and Vader ordered his ship prepared, Kallus informed the Admiral that the shuttle the Rebels stole had a homing device planted on it and Vader planned to follow them back to their command ship. What is your in-game name? Parade: Disney Stars and Motor Cars Parade Star Wars Legion: Agent Kallus Feared both within and without the Imperial ranks, the Imperial Security Bureau scours the galaxy for any disloyal to the Empire. In "An Inside Man", it is revealed that due to his respect for Zeb, Agent Kallus has secretly defected to the Rebellion, taking up the moniker of Fulcrum that Ahsoka once carried. With the rebels pinned down, the rebel leader, Jarrus, stepped forward and ignited his lightsaber, revealing himself as a Jedi who had survived the destruction of the Jedi Order. Feared both within and without the Imperial ranks, the Imperial Security Bureau scours the galaxy for any disloyal to the Empire. Agent Kallus was an officer of the Imperial Security Bureau, specifically charged with eliminating any rebel threats. But Kallus, much to Swain's surprise, retrieved a backup weapon from under his cuirass and stunned her. Pryce had arrived after hearing rumors of several cadets attempting to defect and had Captain Vult Skerris perform a combat simulator in space to lure out the defectors. This omnibus of the acclaimed Vows and Honor trilogy, set in the New York Times bestselling world of Valdemar, follows Tarma and Kethry, swordswoman and sorceress, as they seek justice for past wrongs. [29], When Tua expressed reservations about "punishing" the Lothalian population, Darth Vader responded that she could raise her concerns with Tarkin himself; adding that the Grand Moff had scheduled a meeting with her the following day. When Kallus insisted there was no planet at that location, Thrawn derided Kallus for his purported lack of appreciation for art. During his time as a Commander, Kallus owned at least one red-tipped code cylinder. "Breaking Ranks" had the tough job of following the excellent "Rise of the Old Masters," but it performed its duties wonderfully even if it wasn't as good. Ecstatic Religion has, since its first appearance in 1971, became the classic investigative study of these puzzling phenomena. When he arrived, he instantly realized that Titus did not heed his warning to his cost. After Kallus put up a fierce but futile fight against Thrawn, the Grand Admiral remarked that he had the heart of a rebel, which Kallus took as a compliment. Following the rebel assault, Agent Kallus and the Inquisitor arrived with a force of three patrol transports and two Imperial Troop Transports and surrounded the complex; trapping the rebels. I've always wondered about the exact ranking levels of the Imperials, too. However, Ezra Bridger used the Force to hurl Kallus against a wall, knocking him out. [9], With Governor Pryce and Lieutenant Yogar Lyste, Agent Kallus summoned the factory workers for an assembly. Praise for Lords of the Sith “A compelling tale [that] gives us new insight into the relationship between Darth Vader and his master, Emperor Palpatine.”—New York Daily News “Endlessly fascinating . . . a tale [that is] not just ... However, two stormtroopers made a timely arrival and shot Cogon in the back. Soundtrack: The Force Awakens • Rogue One • Solo, Entertainment: Behind the Force: Experience The Clone Wars • Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple • Star Wars: A Galaxy Far, Far Away Found insideAlphabet Squadron’s hunt for the deadliest TIE fighters in the galaxy continues in this Star Wars adventure! Fourteen year-old Ezra Bridger lives alone on the Outer Rim planet of Lothal. [46], Though their plan worked, they were unable to launch the Dome into space due to the return of Grand Admiral Thrawn aboard the Chimaera. The two then infiltrated Thrawn's office with Ezra using a Jedi mind trick to convince the stormtrooper sentry that he was Lieutenant Lyste. When Yularen finally arrived, Kallus publicly accused Lyste of being Fulcrum. [19], In an effort to destroy the rebels, Kallus prepared a trap to lure them in by making the rebels believe they had learned the location of Wookiee slaves being held by the Empire. As a partner to Orrelios who turned against his former Empire, the Lasat welcomed Kallus as one of their own. The main villain of Star Wars Rebels may be the crimson blade wielding Inquisitor, but he won't be the only one hunting down the show's protagonists. Anthology Series: Rogue One • Solo Before they could do so, the Kallus' AT-AT walker was attacked by the rebel ship Phantom and the second AT-AT walker, which had been hijacked by the rebels. By: Linda Cheves Nicklas, Pub. 1994, Reprinted 2017, 166 pages, Index, ISBN #0-89308-503-0. This new title of newspaper abstracts covers papers in Clarksville, Marshall, Nacogdoches, and San Augustine. During the fall of Lasan, Kallus bested a Lasat guardsman, who gave Kallus a bo-rifle as an acknowledgement of his defeat. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Kallus was escorted by several stormtroopers to deter any rebel attack. [34], Kallus later received a transmission from Admiral Brom Titus, who boasted that he had captured the rebels Jun Sato and Ezra Bridger. After limping back to his quarters, he placed the meteorite Zeb had given him on a shelf before reflecting on his sobering experience with his enemy, now privately doubting the Empire. [8], Kallus was later brought onto the bridge of the Chimaera and forced to watch the battle in captivity, in the presence of Thrawn and Governor Pryce. Agent Kallus Commander Expansion. Are you sure this is what you want? – Crew Orientation Briefing *** Those Dark Places is a rules-light, story-focused roleplaying game about the darker side of space exploration and the people who travel the stars in claustrophobic, ... Once finished, remove this notice. 1.95 meters[4] Instead of questioning Imperial personnel, Thrawn decided to set a trap for the mole. Kallus hopes that by capturing rebels that he can move up through the ranks. Dislikes However, Thrawn had learned about the rebel infiltrators and had sent Governor Pryce and Colonel Yularen with stormtroopers to deal with the second set of intruders. In "Through Imperial Eyes", Kallus learns from Ezra that the Imperial Government is on to him. C-3PO provided Kallus with the location of the Ghost, and Kallus lied by telling the droid that help was on the way.[16]. Later, Kallus used his close-quarters combat skills to overpower two stormtroopers and escape the Chimaera aboard an escape pod. Found insideWhen fourteen-year-old Padmé Naberrie wins the election for Queen of Naboo, she adopts the name Amidala and leaves her family to the rule from the royal palace. Kallus and his bridge crew managed to escape the ruined walker on a speeder, though one was left frantically running after it. Found insideNEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Set between the events of Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens, the never-before-told story that began with Star Wars: Aftermath continues in this thrilling novel, the second book of Chuck Wendig’s ... *Model Includes Bodygroup for the helmet*. The two discussed Zataire's son, an outspoken critic of the Empire, after Kallus deduced that the wine the captain served him was from Alderaan—a planet deemed to be rebellious by the Empire—and that it had been given to the captain as a gift by his son. Together with his companion droid Dee-Four, the two met Coleema on the Asteroid outpost Z-LOQ. During the mission, Kallus actively helped the trio escape from the academy by telling them which levels to avoid and which hangar bay they could get a ship from. During the struggle, Gregor was shot in the chest and mortally wounded. Kallus' tough stance on crime and orders to detain children appalled some Imperials like Cadet Zare Leonis and Lieutenant Chiron but they knew better than to openly defy his orders since the crackdown had the support of the governor and all Imperial ministries on Lothal. His conversations with Zeb revealed that he held a somewhat rose-tinted view of the Empire, firmly believing that Zeb would receive a fair trial if he were to turn himself in and cooperate. Unknown to the Imperial agent at the time, such was the way of the Lasat Boosahn Keeraw.[15]. [15] These rifles were powerful enough to disable starships and had gruesome results when used against sentient beings. He was named Alexsandr after Star Wars Rebels crew member Alex Spotswood, who always performed as Kallus in the "temp recordings" of the script by the crew during the production of the show since the first season. In battle, Kallus used a J-19 bo-rifle given from a member of the Lasan High Honor Guard that he had defeated, which he was proficient with in ranged and close combat. Kallus complimented the Governor for her plan to lure the Spectres into a trap at a fuel depot. Home When the rebels refused to heed his ultimatum, Kallus sent two TIE fighters after the Ghost but they were ripped apart by the gravitational forces of the star cluster. No one must know of this plan. Visit the Gallery for this Costume for more models and parts views. Kallus and his forces arrived as Jarrus used the Force to stop a large fan that stood between the rebels and their freedom, and the ISB Agent ordered his forces to open fire on Jarrus. BucketheadISB-021Fulcrum Agent Kallus is one of the ISB's most effective agents, using his cunning and combat prowess to snuff out the spark of rebellion at its source.This expansion invites you to put this ruthless agent in command of your Imperial army, beginning with a highly . He later escorted her to her shuttle on Lord Vader's orders. Kallus ordered all stormtroopers to converge on the lower hangar, where he would meet them, though he diverted some to the upper hangar; Bridger, who was listening to Imperial communications through a stolen stormtrooper helmet, posed as a stormtrooper and suggested that the lower hangar could be a diversion.[19]. [43], Using his Fulcrum pseudonym, Kallus sent a recorded transmission to Chopper Base warning the rebels that the Empire was dispatching E-XD infiltrator droids across the galaxy. Jarrus, who stood atop the ship, deflected Kallus' fire back at the ISB Agent. [27], Agent Kallus and Tarkin interrogating the captured Jedi Kanan Jarrus, The Spectres' activities eventually drew the attention of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin who visited Lothal. NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Discover Thrawn’s origins within the Chiss Ascendancy in the first book in an epic new Star Wars trilogy from bestselling author Timothy Zahn. [44], Following the Spectres' mission to the Lothal Jedi Temple, Kallus accompanied Hera and Rex aboard the Ghost to the planet Seelos; which was the home of Rex's fellow Clone veterans Gregor and Wolffe aboard Joopa Base. Kallus initially thought that Hera was referring to him and pointed out that he had commanded Star Destroyers in the past. His Imperial code name was ISB-021, a low number indicating his high rank. "[48], The character was first revealed at the 2014 Hasbro Toy Fair. Kallus then ordered the remaining walkers to fire where the shot came from, chasing the ancient walker out of the sandstorm just as the rebel ship lifted off. Also, does Thrawn outrank Tarkin? An authoritative companion to the latest Star Warsmovie, Solo- A Star Wars Story The Official Guide features the fascinating planets, vehicles, and aliens that Han Solo encounters on his early adventures. Affiliations Human (Coruscanti)[1] To distract Thrawn, Kallus then reprogrammed the Grand Admiral's DT-series sentry droids to attack Thrawn, thus implicating Lyste. This expansion allows this ruthless agent to be under military command. [12], Once aboard the Chimaera, Kallus and Lyste headed to Thrawn's Office. - Maybe an agent if ISB? Height Chronological and political information The solid inward triangles are most common it seems. Fantasy Flight Games is happy to announce the Agent Kallus Commander Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion! There are rebel spies everywhere." Thrawn turned and left the room, leaving a still cold Kallus in his wake. [15] As a Fulcrum operative, Kallus knew how to operate a transmitter, which he kept in Ezra's former home. Kallus could not believe how reckless Solo was. General Syndulla responded that if the Empire wanted a fight, the rebels would be ready. In addition to Governor Pryce and Captain Slavin, Admiral Konstantine, Aresko and Grint, and that officer whose name I forget from the Chopper episode where he meets the Imperial droid and befriends him all have that same insignia. There, the Fifth Brother and another Inquisitor known as the Seventh Sister encountered the rebels Ezra, Sabine, Chopper, and Zeb and engaged them in a skirmish. He later came back with the Seventh Sister, who Kallus had more respect for. Thrawn began screening the local Imperial sector command for the spy with the help of Yularen. Feigning shock and anger, he asked what happened. Later, Kallus attended a meeting with Pryce, Yularen, and Thrawn. Having befriended Zeb, Kallus traveled with Zeb following the Galactic Civil War to Lira San where he reconciled with the Lasat people he had formerly persecuted. 24.30. Other Films: The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special • Star Wars: Rogue Squadron Darth Plagueis, a Sith Lord who knows the Dark Side so well that he has power over life and death, joins forces with his apprentice, one-day emperor Darth Sidious, to try to dominate the whole galaxy. Movie tie-in. [12] He was also highly skilled as with robotics and programming, as evidenced, for instance, by his reprogramming and redesign of an MSE-series-6 ("mouse") droid for surveillance, and his reprogramming of Grand Admiral Thrawn's own assassin droids. This volume brings together thirty-five essays in honor of the IISH's longtime director Jaap Kloosterman, who built the institute into a world leader in the field. [46], After this Ezra had the young rebel Mart Mattin summon a pod of purrgil. While he sent his message his device began to be scrambled and Thrawn appeared directly at the entrance of the tower. When Kallus arrived, he found the Interdictor destroyed, the rebels having fled and a humiliated Titus in an escape pod, to Kallus' smug delight. Feigning loyalty to the Empire, Kallus commended Thrawn for his "flawless" strategy. In response, Kallus kicked the trooper off the railing, sending him falling into the mines. Does agent kallus appear rogue one? In the latest episode Kallus ordered the Admiral to withdraw the fleet from Lothal or something or other. Kallus then closed the blast door after the three left and hid himself until the alarm was off. Born Below the Grand Moffs there are the regular moffs (sector governors). David OyelowoAlan Marriott Is there like an official chart or something? COMPNOR? [2] After Darth Sidious, publicly known as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, declared himself Emperor and transformed the Republic into the Galactic Empire, Kallus attended the Royal Imperial Academy on Coruscant, the main campus of the new regime's military training program. Under Kallus' orders, Imperial cadets were used to question residents about illegal activities in their neighbourhoods, apprehend criminals, detain the children of fugitives, and to lead stormtroopers on law enforcement raids.

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