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3 They came up to him , saying , “ Hail , King of the Jews ! Create a free website or blog at Cyril's great Commentary on John, offered here in the Ancient Christian Texts series in two volumes, predates the Nestorian controversy and focuses its theological firepower against Arianism. Those who are called to govern the Church ought, therefore, to remember that, if they are desirous to discharge their office properly and faithfully, they must begin with the love of Christ. If, is, because he feeds, that is, he governs his sheep, because he is the only true food of the soul. The things I’ve pulled out and discussed are significant because they have been recorded this way in a text that I believe to have been inspired by God and delivered through a human author. All believers ought to draw from it no ordinary consolation, when they are taught that they are so dear and so precious in the sight of the Son of God, that he substitutes them, as it were, in his own room. John 19:17-27 Jesus is Crucified. 13:8; 17:8; 20:15; 21:27). Commentary on John 21:1-19. This commentary seeks above all to explain the text of John's Gospel to those whose privilege and responsibility it is to minister the Word of God to others, to preach and to lead Bible studies. [234] We have seen also why he takes this name to himself. 1, p. It’s a Say it now as Jesus is listening to you. (Read John 21:15-19) Our Lord addressed Peter by his original name, as if he had forfeited that of Peter through his denying him. I am loved without conditions. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! For more than a century, Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible has served as an invaluable guide for pastors and students the world over. leader of the church. Commentary on Joh 21:15-17. Five-volume expositional commentary on one of the Bible's most popular books combines careful scholarship and clear communication to inform a wide range of readers. "Peter is Forgiven" John 21:15-25 - Bible Study. Your interpretation is derived from Pope Benedict XVI, perhaps? If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. My sheep, says he, hear my voice, and follow me; they hear not the voice of a stranger,(John 10:5, 27.). He elsewhere describes who they are whom he reckons to belong to his flock. Life is a circle that takes us back to the beginning. To be a disciple of Jesus is to be asked the question often, 'Do you love Choose the size of the text for your daily prayer. John 21:1-3. After these things Jesus shewed himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias; and on this wise shewed he himself. There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee. and two other of his disciples. I’m sure that there is some truth to this; Augustine and Chrysostom both proffer this and their interpretation is not to be sniffed at! Peter must have wondered ‘Where do I stand now?’ ‘Am I still his number one?’ But Jesus shows him amazing courtesy and kindness, and all doubts are dispelled. Guided by St Ignatius, I might ask, 'What have I done for Thanks for reading! Chapter 20 tells the story of the resurrection and Jesus' appearances to Mary and the disciples. Judas could not contemplate the possibility of forgiveness. Verses 15-19 We have here Christ's discourse with Peter after dinner, so much of it as relates to himself, in which, I. Whatever it is, it surely includes taking care of others. i. Jesus spoke this to His disciples, probably as … Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. He now answered, Thou knowest that I love thee; but without professing to … Peter stays “in character” here as the one who continues to bumble around before realizing what … "[232] "La charge du Pasteur;" -- "the office of Pastor or Shepherd. I hold an MA(Theol. Peter realises that he is being given increasing responsibility for the This is one of the accounts the Apostle John preserves for us about what Jesus said and did after his resurrection. Again, that Peter may the more willingly obey God who calls him to the cross, Christ offers himself as a leader; for this is not a general exhortation by which he invites him to imitate himself, but he speaks only of the kind of death. John doesn’t always use variants to avoid repetition. Or was the question: Do you love me more than these (the other disciples) do? In that instant he had not been given whatever grace was required to give that genuine αγαπη love to which Christ was inviting him. This book is about how to read and study the Bible. This book is about getting the non-Christian to learn how to study the Bible, and this book is for the Pastor and theologian who needs to have their "refresh" button pressed. John 19:1-6 Jesus Is Scourged. John 19:28-37 Fulfilment of Prophecy. My being loved does not depend on how loving I am. Declare love in the morning and truth in the night! The ability to believe we are forgiven is crucial to our spiritual growth. This independent website/blog provides news of the Ordinariates worldwide and the remaining Pastoral Provision communities, Just like the horse whisperer - but with more pages, An Australian Learning and Teaching Council Fellowship. But it is only a beginning… you see, the sense of this word in verbal form equates to following through and proving or acting out one’s love. 1. Aside from an obvious interest in the actual content of the sermon, my personal interest doesn’t so much lie in the actually historical reality of where the sermon was delivered, but rather it is in the fact that different Evangelists approached the event differently and probably had reasons for so doing. He afterwards learned by long experience, that such a trial had not been made in vain. Was John concerned with 100% word-for-word accuracy or was he more concerned with theological symbolism? What does John 21:15 mean? A miraculous catch of fish. This edition of Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible uses the King James text and is abridged from the original six volumes while faithfully retaining all of the vibrant themes of that classic work. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you. To us also, in the present day, it is of very great importance, that Peter comes forth to us as a new man, from whom the disgrace that might have lessened his authority has been removed. He now answered, Thou knowest that I love thee; but without professing to love Jesus more than others. If we must be prepared to forgive limitlessly, then we must also be ready to ask for forgiveness – and believe we are forgiven – until the moment we die. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. This doctrine is highly useful to be known; for it urges us to prayer, because we would never be able, without extraordinary assistance from God, to conquer the fear of death; and, therefore, nothing remains for us but to present ourselves humbly to God, and to submit to his government. But we have already showed that the repetition was not superfluous. or to the goodness of love we receive in life. Can I at least say ‘You know that I try to love you.’. This is a scene to savour slowly. John's gospel summarises what was probably It led not When Christ saves you, it’s always on a personal basis. Thou girdedst thyself; that is, "thou wast accustomed to wear such raiment as thou chosest, but this liberty of choosing thy dress will be taken from thee." done in life. I can’t imagine so, as that wasn’t their native tongue, but I wasn’t there . In John 12-21 Jesus draws His disciples aside to teach them—and you—what it means to follow Him. How graciously do I accept growing responsibility? Jesus is asking Peter if Peter loves Jesus more than Peter loves the other disciples. Jesus is asking Peter if Peter loves Jesus more than he loves his profession (the “these” referring to the things around like the fish Peter catches and the boats). Jesus is asking Peter if Peter loves Jesus more than the other disciples love Jesus. The remarks with which Christ closes out this little encounter seem ominous, but really, they are a beautiful promise, a fulfilment of the promise of beatitude to all who seek righteousness (Matt 5:6)! Christ shows us the sort of friend and brother He is; He demonstrates how much He trusts Peter by giving to him the care of His lambs. Personal thoughts and experiences during a once-in-a-century crisis. Explore the Bible for more understanding with the award-winning CEB Study Bible. James J. Tissot, 'The Second Miraculous Draft of Fish' (1884-96), gouache on gray wove paper, 6-1/8" x 10", Brooklyn Museum, New York. This condition, though hard, must be patiently endured. After these things Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, and in this way He showed Himself: Simon Peter, Thomas called the Twin, Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two others of His disciples were together. "After these things Jesus shewed himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias; and on this wise shewed he himself. Satan now brings forward as many causes of offense as he can, that he may destroy or weaken the courage of a good pastor. "Sea of Tiberias" is another name for the Sea of Galilee, which is also called the Lake of Gennesaret ( photo ). Am I afraid to say yes because of things I have done (or failed to do) during my life? 394. After this he said to him, "Follow me. Jesus had said, "Whoever has My commandments and keeps them, he it is who loveth Me". Left Behind and Loving It is a cheeky critique of popular writings about the end times. ". Peter as Exemplary Disciple in John 21:15-19 R. Alan Culpepper McAfee School of Theology, Atlanta GA 30341 Following the meal on the shore, the imagery of John 21 changes from fishing and meal imagery to pastoral and shepherding imagery, and the last scene in the Gospel is … Homily given in Paris 05/30/80 . Many think that this denotes the manner of death which Peter was to die, [236] meaning that he was hanged, with his arms stretched out; but I consider the word gird as simply denoting all the outward actions by which a man regulates himself and his whole life. Considered in light of the entire corpus of Johannine texts I think most would agree that generally the stylistic emphasis is on the latter. Hence that complaint of Paul, "The good that I would I do not, but the evil that I would not, that I do,"(Romans 7:19.). 1. Change ). Peter undoubtedly did not perceive the object which Christ had in view, in putting the same question so frequently; and therefore he thinks that he is-in-directly accused, as if he had not answered with sincerity. Jesus asked Peter only one question, three times. Thus we scarcely find one person in a hundred who does not murmur if, after having experienced long forbearance, he be treated with some measure of severity. John 18:1-14 Jesus’ Betrayal by Judas. He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." Matthew records this as having occurred on a mountain. In John’s text Jesus words the questions differently each time. This enables us plainly to refute the wicked adherents of the Church of Rome, who torture this passage to support the tyranny of their Popery. Because he loves, Peter is re-instated, and given a great responsibility to care for the Early Christian community. As we grow, however, we claim more and more independence. How would I feel if I were asked to do the same? And after this he said to him, “Follow me.”. Follow me, even though you end, as I did, on a cross. After having exhorted Peter to feed his sheep, Christ likewise arms him to maintain the warfare which was approaching. He, who had heard Christ say that one must forgive seventy times seven, could not bring himself to ask Christ to forgive him. 4 out of 5 dentists recommend this site, Cartoons by John Atkinson. Then, He Peter to rise to a higher love than which he was at that point capable by his own John 18:28-37 Pilate Questions Jesus. Some of the most beloved stories of Jesus' ministry are found only in the Fourth Gospel -- changing the water into wine, the woman at the well, the woman taken in adultery, raising Lazarus, washing the disciples' feet, and many more. Home > Uncategorized > Commentary on John 21:15-19 Commentary on John 21:15-19. Peter loved Jesus before "Most assuredly, I say to you, when you were younger, you girded yourself and walked where you wished; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish. " John 15:21, ESV: "But all these things they will do to you on account of my name, because they do not know him who sent me." 19. Now, therefore, the liberty, as well as the authority, of teaching is restored to him, both of which he had lost through his own fault. I earlier explained that the Lambs were the Apostles in verse 15 that Peter was commanded to feed. In verse 16, the Sheep are the Jews and in ver... ", [229] "Simon (ills) de Jona;" -- "Simon (son) of Jonas. True, faithful teachers ought to endeavor to gather all to Christ; and as they cannot distinguish between sheep and wild beasts, they ought to try by all methods if they can tame those who resemble wolves rather than sheep. Yet, gripped by fear and confusion during the Passion he was unable to admit even to knowing Jesus. But because he employs the agency of men in preaching doctrine, he conveys to them also his own name, or, at least, shares it with them. Three times Peter answers Jesus that he loves him. Recipes, tips & inspiration to eat healthily on a budget. I think your commentary on this group of verses is very insightful and I have searched far and wide for this type of insight on these verses for many years. At the same time, this was a truthful answer on Peter’s part. Thus Paul declares this to have been the state of his own feelings, when he says, The love of Christ constraineth us, judging thus, that if one died for all,then all must have been dead,(2 Corinthians 5:14. If Jesus has saved you, it’s not because of anything in you, but rather because your name was written in the Lamb’s book of life from the foundation of the world (Rev. our hearts and loving us for who we are. He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." Yet this is not what Christ was asking! Verses 15-19 We have here Christ’s discourse with Peter after dinner, so much of it as relates to himself, in which,I. Found inside – Page 282John MacArthur. Then Job answered the Lord and said,“I know that You can ... 26:75), Jesus restored him (John 21:15–19), and he was the powerful evangelist ... Adventures of a Mum. Too often before Peter had been rebuked for his rash, impulsive statements. Hey thanks for sharing that insight! and the guiding and clothing is meant to be of His Spirit! Could this happen him again? Now, though the condition of all pastors is not alike, still this admonition applies to all in some degree. The LXX uses φιλεῖς and ἀγαπᾷς as synonyms. [229] "Simon (ills) de Jona;" -- "Simon (son) of Jonas. What did the human author have in mind in choosing this wording? John 21:15-19… a whole other layer of meaning embedded in the original Greek text, Did Catholics change the Bible? his cowardly betrayal of him; he loved him more deeply afterwards. John 19:7-16 Pilate Gives In Under Pressure. As babies we are entirely dependent on others. Such a restoration was necessary, both for Peter and for his hearers; for Peter, that he might the more boldly execute his office, being assured of the calling with which Christ had again invested him; for his hearers, that the stain which attached to his person might not be the occasion of despising the Gospel. ( Log Out /  Peter’s response demonstrated that, even in the face of the trust that Christ had placed in him, he didn’t ‘get it’ and he again declared his friendship. Just listen to this story from John 21. Where together we stomp the grapes, wait the barrels, and pour the love. So, naturally feeling as if I was in on the joke, I called out to him: “Hey Elvis! We are called to feed his people in many ways, not because we are perfect, but because we do our best to share the best of our lives with others. But as Satan continually makes new and various attacks, all who undertake the office of feeding must be prepared for death; as they certainly have to do not only with sheep, but also with wolves. Many people repeat often in prayer, ‘Lord you know I love you’. ", [236] "De laquelle Pierre devoit mourir. Peter uses another word for love – φιλο. John 21 and John 21:15-19, Wikipedia. He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." The Evangelist now relates in what manner Peter was restored to that rank of honor from which he had fallen. memory imaginable - but he does it with delicacy. Help yourself to the faith: Freely given; Freely recieved, Reflections on God's love and the Catholic faith. Leave the answer to him! In vain, therefore, do the Papists maintain that he holds the highest rank, because he alone is specially addressed; and, granting that some special honor was conferred on him, how, I ask, will they prove from this that he has been elevated to the primacy? I think the reason for Peter’s sorrow is the self-knowledge that came of Christ appearing to lower His expectations. Review. None of us hinders him from loving Christ, and from taking care to feed his flock; but to take no concern about loving Christ, and to throw aside the office of feeding, and then to boast of being Peter's successor, is excessively foolish and absurd. Christ was obviously aware of Peter’s shortcomings, but Peter, who had been so ready to declare at the Last Supper that he would follow Jesus even to death (Mark 14:29) came to the realisation that although he loved Christ dearly as a friend, he was not yet able to love Him in that deep, self-sacrificing sense. Peter becomes a new creation: a fisherman turns shepherd. This study uses early Jewish sources to analyze the significance of Day of Atonement and High Priest imagery in the narrative of Simon Peter’s threefold denial of Jesus. Though he were the chief among the apostles, does it thence follow that he was the universal bishop of the whole world? When I was younger I was taught at school and at Mass alike that the reason for the repeated question was in a certain way to ceremonially repair the relationship after Peter denied Christ three times. Peter felt hurt because he said to him the third time, "Do you love me?" Audio readings from the Bible to help you read it in 365 Days! Reflecting the work of Spurgeon as a young man, these graphic word pictures and closely reasoned applications are warm, expressive, dynamic models for communicating God's Word. He sai d to Him, "Yes, Lord; You know that I love You." But we ought rather to consider the goodness of God in sparing us for a time. But this must be understood as referring to the contest between the flesh and the Spirit, which believers feel within themselves; for we never obey God in a manner so free and unrestrained as not to be drawn, as it were, by ropes, in an opposite direction, by the world and the flesh. There are two questions here. (1) there is the question as to why Jesus uses the two different Greek words for love in the context of John 21. T... We are likewise taught, that we ought patiently and mildly to submit, if at any time the Lord subject us to a severe trial; because he has good reasons for doing so, though they are generally unknown to us. They who imagine that the martyrs were not moved by any fear make their own fear to yield them a ground of despair. He had been made an Apostle, but it was along with Judas, and from the time when he had abandoned his post, [230] he had likewise been deprived of the honor of apostle-ship. Thus Christ says that, so long as he dwelt on earth, he conversed cheerfully with his disciples, as if he had been present at a marriage, but that fasting and tears afterwards awaited them, [235] (Matthew 9:15.). This circumlocution is highly emphatic; for though the end held out to all believers ought to be, to glorify God both by their life and by their death, yet John intended to employ a remarkable commendation for adorning the death of those who, by their blood, seal the Gospel of Christ and glorify his name, as Paul teaches us, (Philippians 1:20.) John 21:15. When I saw him, his jet-black hair coiffed, swooped up and slicked up, the dark glasses, white leather jacket with tassels and beads, largish belt buckle, turquoise, and all the rest, I just knew he had to be an Elvis impersonator. ... Verse 18-19: "Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were young, you used to dress yourself and walk wherever you wanted, but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will dress you and carry you where you do not want to go. Jesus said to him, "Feed my lambs." The Lord spares many, and abstains from shedding their blood, satisfied with this alone, that they devote themselves to him sincerely and unreservedly as long as they live. I am called? John 21 – The Restoration of Peter A. 3. Old age appears to be set apart for tranquillity and repose; and, accordingly, old men are usually discharged from public employments, and soldiers are discharged from service. Follow me. God looks into Christ’s third question of Peter is where He brings out the ‘big guns’. 2. Then we find it hard to let go of that independence in old age. Hence we may easily infer what is the burden which Christ lays on Peter, and on what condition he appoints him to govern his flock. Letting go and accepting help is easier if I trust in God’s goodness and care. After all, Peter had boasted: Though all desert you, I will never. ", [230] "Depuis qu'il avoit este lache et desloyal;" -- "since he acted the part of a coward and a traitor. Verse-by-verse commentary on the book of Genesis. Commentators generally agree that chapter 21 is an epilogue, (He said this to indicate the kind of death by which he would glorify God.) Thank you for sharing your insight(s)! This edition has been edited for modern readers, typeset for eBook readers, and proofread.About the author: Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) was born in Kelvedon, Essex, England. Peter and the others fished all night without _____ anything. The New King James corrects this deficiency in verse 16 by using "tend," the exact same word translated as "shepherd" in I Peter 5:2.It has a far broader application than the word rendered "feed" in verses 15 and 17. John 21:15 So when they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these ?" The King James' translators blur a distinction Jesus makes by translating two different words into the single word "feed." Do you ever wonder do you really love the Lord? flock. The introducers' passionate, provocative, and personal engagements with the spirituality and the language of the text make the Bible come alive as a stunning work of literature and remind us of its overwhelming contemporary relevance. Jesus said to him, "Feed my sheep. This study will also teach you about His death, burial, and resurrection. I spend a few moments with Jesus - how do I respond to him. Accordingly, Christ, though he was prepared to obey God with his whole heart, prays that he may be delivered from death. John 18:38-40 Pilate’s Compromise. Categories: Gospel of John, Koine Greek, love, mercy, Scripture, vocation | Tags: agape, Biblical Greek, call to religious life, four loves, Greek transliteration, john 21 15-19 greek, john 21:15-19 meaning, john 21:15-19 philio agape, love in the Greek language, love to the point of sacrifice, meaning, receiving mercy, St. Augustine, St. John Chrysostom, vocation, what is love?

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