convolvulus arvensis scientific name

Canadian Journal of Botany 48(2):859-860. [5], Weaver and Riley (1982)[7] believe that new introductions of field bindweed are primarily by seed. In natural environments, such as riparian zones, field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) competes with and displaces native bindweeds and other native plants. The Worlds Worst Weeds: Distribution and Biology. After five years the perennial grasses were well established, the annual weeds continued to persist, and the perennial weeds (such as field bindweed) were minor components. Note on the extent of lateral spread of field bindweed. The winterhardiness of weeds. [55][56][6] In addition, full-grown vines will have a larger surface area to absorb the chemical. Field bindweed has deep roots that store carbohydrates and proteins. Glyphosate (Roundup) was applied in October, although this had little effect because it was quickly followed by a killing frost. Furthermore, early and mid-spring grazing should be avoided Beidleman and Knight (1995) (Phantom Canyon Preserve) were unable to establish native species to compete with field bindweed, while Chris O’Brien (see “The Nature Conservancy Case Study” above) at Thousand Springs Preserve successfully established perennial grasses. (1997)[53] in the Pacific Northwest with glyphosate at 3.4 or 4.2 kg acid equivalent/A applied at full bloom or early seed stage was effective, especially if the area is tilled 2-3 weeks after treatment. Hastate. The tests were conducted under extremely variable conditions (air temperature 17 and 21°C, 25 and 72% relative humidity, wind 6-13 and 5-16 km/h) and it was unclear if the variable weather had any effect. Rees, N.E., P.C. 1986. Field bindweed (, Hill, J. Leaves. The anatomy of. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Whitesides, R.E. Some leaves are round, ovate or oblong, and some may even be linear. [6] Under dry conditions the application can be made later in the summer if the vines become more vigorous. The Nature Conservancy Weed Report for the northeastern Colorado Phantom Canyon preserve on. Proceedings North Central Weed Science Society, p.74. Field bindweed. [53], Timing is important when applying herbicides, whether you wish to kill the above-ground growth or tranlocate herbicides to the root system. In greenhouse investigations, a glyphosate-susceptible biotype was controlled using 1.1kg acid equivalent/ha glyphosate while a more glyphosate-tolerant biotype required 4.5kg acid equivalent/ha to control. The researchers suggest that dicamba is more effective under drier conditions, while 2,4-D is more effective under wetter conditions. Likewise, Callihan et al. Cox, H.R. Hoeing or hand-pulling in conjunction may be helpful but may also encourage the germination of dormant seeds or further promote vegetative growth by breaking up and spreading the plant.[6]. Kennedy and Crafts (1931)[33] claim that the extent and form of the root system depends on soil permeability and water table depth. [7] The germination rate of field bindweed is low, but still substantially higher than that of four other perennial weed species. Fruit are 3 mm long egg-shaped capsules containing 1-4 grayish brown 3 sided seeds. Records of previous herbicide use may be helpful. Tests by William et al. 1981. Application was done only after heavy rains, and it was important to apply the herbicide only to vigorous plants. Bronder-Offset, Rotterdam, 287pp. Biological Control of Weeds: a world catalogue of agents and their target weeds. Comstock Publishing Association, Ithaca, NY. Halictid foraging is highest from 8:30-11:30 a.m.[28] Compared to other weed species found in Canada, field bindweed is intermediate in pollinator visitation.[29]. When the above-ground biomass of field bindweed is destroyed, the massive root system forms a new shoot and reserves are thus depleted. Frazier, J.C. 1943b. Meadows, fields, lawns, woodlands. Lym, R.G. 1964. Timmons, F.L. Derscheid, L.A., D.E. Bond. Preserve managers are most likely to find the weed on tracts once used for agriculture or in moist locations such as riparian corridors and irrigated areas. (1997)[53] recommend using Landmaster BW (a mix of 2,4-D and glyphosate) at 0.43 to 0.75 kg acid equivalent/ha (54 oz/A) when bindweed runners are at least 25 cm long. 2,4-D applied to a shoot is not readily translocated to other shoots. Field bindweed: A growth stage indexing system and its relation to control with glyphosate. If the above-ground portion of the weed is continually destroyed, the root eventually starves and dies. Tilling may be useful for ridding infestations at sites previously used for agriculture, or which are otherwise very disturbed. arvensis. Seed set is poor under very soggy conditions. 1988. from the surrounding vegetation or restoration efforts), and continuous monitoring for resprouts. [74] First released in 1987, as of 1995 self-sustaining populations had not been established.[75]. This suggests that 2,4-D may not work well in very dense patches where some branches are shielded from herbicide application. [69], A single application in the fall in Lincoln, Nebraska demonstrated that 0.84 kg/ha glyphosate provided only 50% control but 1.7kg/ha provided 85% control.[70]. Proceedings of the Northeast Weed Control Conference 33:114. Differential response of selected clones of bindweed to 2,4-D. Weed Science 15:275-280. [48][49]Swarz (pers. Fischer, B.B., A.H. Lange, J. McCaskill. (per Weaver & Riley 1982). The root system and rhizomes are extensive, whitish … Reproductive systems and colonization in Canadian weeds. Oregon State University Extension Publication. [40] According to Bakke et al. [6], Field bindweed is native to Eurasia (Sa’ad, 1967, per Weaver & Riley)[7][22] but has spread to many parts of the world and is now a cosmopolitan species that grows between 60oN and 45oS latitudes. Results are generally best if field bindweed is in early bud to full bloom. It is a weak-stemmed, prostrate plant that can twine and may form dense tangled mats.Stems can grow to 1.5m or longer, and its underground rhizomes may range from 5cm to 2.6m long. from ground level to the tops of trees). Dickinson. Almost all current recommendations for cultivation also prescribe some herbicide treatment. Proceedings North Central Weed Control Conference, p. 30. The bracts are much smaller than those of hedge bindweed. C. arvensis … The petiole is flattened, and grooved on the upper side. Piper, E.M. Coombs, C.E. Released in Texas in 1989 and established there, but its impacts are unclear to date. Three to five growing seasons are required in agricultural settings to eliminate all seedlings. Weaver, S.A. & W.R. Riley. Stewards at the Phantom Canyon Preserve report that the species is most likely to invade areas that are degraded due to past land use, current human activity, and in areas that are not allowed to burn. Calystegia sepium L. is native to the eastern United States, but is now found throughout the country [16][6][17] and occurs in waste areas and fence rows.[6]. They help field bindweed spread vegetatively and allow it to resprout repeatedly following removal of above-ground growth. obtusifolium Choisy is generally the only variety recognized in North America. Discing may aid field bindweed control when tilling is infrequent (Cousen & Mortimer, 1995). [64] Today agronomists apply it frequently in conjunction with other chemicals. Leaf necrosis can increase penetration but may decrease transport. Best stressed that “the potential spread of this species from a single transplant serves to emphasize the danger of dragging root portions by machinery to field bindweed-free areas” (p.232). Weed Sci 37 : 30 – 835 Nowick , E ( 2015 ) Historical Common Names of Great Plains Plants, Vol. Youtie (1994) used glyphosate applied from backpack sprayers to control field bindweed, and while her infestations persist, they are not spreading. Knutson (eds.) Latshaw, W.L. Once above ground growth is vigorous, translocation is primarily from the shoot to the roots and herbicide application should be done at this stage to ensure it is moved with the sugar to the roots and root buds. Because of its wide distribution, abundance and economic impact, Convolvulus arvensis is considered one of the ten ‘world’s worst weeds’. It gets its name by climbing all the plants in a given area and binding them together; reducing yields. A treatment of picloram at 0.25 lb acid equivalent/A plus 2,4-D at 1 lb acid equivalent/A gave 89-100% control. The native grasses were irrigated and cheatgrass was suppressed using Roundup. Scientific name: Convolvulus arvensis. Seed leaves (cotyledons) are nearly as broad as long, somewhat round, a… [23], Field bindweed is now a serious weed problem in all parts of the continental USA, except for the southeastern states. Field bindweed control with 2,4-D combined with competitive crops and intensive cultivation. In the first year, new shoots reached 46-130 cm from the parent plant and in the second year were as far as 180 cm to 290 cm from the parent plant. [10] Field bindweed fruits usually contain 2 seeds, but 1-4 seeds are not uncommon; an anomalous Russian specimen was found with 10 seeds in a capsule. Flowers are approximately 0.75-1 in. Derscheid, L.A., D.E. [42] Muenscher (1955)[43] suggests that fields be tilled/cultivated every 4-6 days. Absorption and translocation of 2,4-D in several annual broad-leaved weeds. Bindweed while the leaves of Ipomoea pandurata (Wild Sweet Many Convolvulaceae can also become invasive. Chelymorpha cassidea Fabr. Better control was achieved where more water was available. [5][10], In order for a seed with a mature coat to germinate, its coat must become permeable to water. Washington Agronomy Experimental Station Popular Bulletin, #176. Cox (1915)[2] considers paper mulch and organic covers such as beet pulp, apple pomace, straw or manure, to be ineffective. The Catalogue of Life, 2020-09-01 Beta; ... accepted name: Plantae: Convolvulus arvensis f. decarrhabdotus P. D. Sell: synonym for Convolvulus arvensis L. Plantae: University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. & Muzik, T.J. 1967. Observationes relativas a las especies del genero “Convolvulus” de los alrededores de la ciudad de La Plata. Convolvulis arvensis | Memorial … Bindweed: How to control it. Habit. Field bindweed has an extensive underground root/stem system. 1990. Field Bindweed is a perennial broadleaf weed that is also known by its scientific name, Convolvulus arvensis. Scientific name: Convolvulus arvensis USDA Plants Code: COAR4 Common names: Field Bindweed Native distribution: Eurasia and Mediterranean Date assessed: 7-23-2013 Assessors: Zach Deitch, Ellen Jacquart Reviewers: John Miller Date Approved: 8-23-2013 . Mulligan, G.A., J.N. 1970. 2,4-D was the most cost effective under non-tillage situations and Dicamba was the most costly. Application of 2,4-D at 1.1 kg/ha alone reduced infestations by only 73%. Field bindweed begins growing in the late spring or early summer and may persist until the first frost. Harvey, A.H. Larson, R.H. Landon. Russ, O.G. Specimen: View USF Herbarium specimens of this genus. Illustrated Flora of the Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada. 1939. Plunknett. Convolvulus arvensis Accepted Name. Convolvulus arvensis. Successful control is most likely if the above-ground biomass is removed (by tillage, hand-pulling or herbicide application) followed by competition from other species (e.g. 1997. Cattle will not readily graze on field bindweed and poisoning has been reported. Field Bindweed leaves are shaped like an arrowhead with two pointed basal lobes that usually extend at right angles to the leaf mid-vein. Fourth Edition. In agriculture, control has been most successful where tillage is combined with herbicide application, although herbicide application alone can be effective. [30] The roots and rhizomes become winter hardy in autumn and can withstand temperatures as low as -60°C. Convolvulus is derived from the Latin, convolere, meaning to entwine, and arvensis means ‘of fields’. Fuller. Entire. Weed Seed Handbook. 1989. In agricultural systems a smother crop such as millet, sorghum, sudan grass, or alfalfa may be effective to control field bindweed if it is sufficiently competitive. The amount of field bindweed that can be safely eaten by sheep, cattle, and goats is not known. Montana State University. Plant Physiology 2:503-506. Light reduction (by smother crops or mulching) decreases field bindweed vigor (Gray, 1915). (1996)[21] found that winter wheat in the Texas panhandle effectively controls field bindweed because it grows early in the season while most plants are still dormant, and reduces the available water. Field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) Click on images to enlarge . Field bindweed control entails chemical applications, discing or hand-pulling on a regular basis (perhaps only once per year), plus yearly monitoring. [7][10] Estimates of the number of seeds in a pure stand of field bindweed range from 50,000 to 20 million per hectare.[7]. Best (1963a)[34] investigated the spread of field bindweed by monitoring 25 shoots growing from transplants under non-competitive conditions. Convolvulus althaeoides. After rain, 0.84 kg/ha provided the best control, 0.6 kg/ha was insufficient, and 1.1kg/ha was wasteful. Best, K.F. 1917. Waddington, K.D. There are two varieties: Convolvulus arvensis var. Flowers are similar to those of morning-glory, funnel shaped and white to pink in color having 5 united petals. In a 1995 survey, managers for The Nature Conservancy preserves ranked the likelihood of control “medium” to “low.” On two preserves, managers successfully reduced field bindweed populations (Youtie, 1994; Swarz, pers. The flowers have five fused petals forming a 2-2.5 cm long funnel-like corolla. Field bindweed. The hairless leaves are entire and shaped like arrowheads with rounded tips. Frazier, J.C. 1943a. Herbicides should be applied when they will be most effectively absorbed and translocated to the roots, but before the plants produce seed and new buds. The Nature Conservancy Weed Report for the northern Idaho Garden Creek Preserve on. The Alabama Plant Atlas is a source of data for the distribution of plants within the state as well as taxonomic, conservation, invasive, and wetland information for each species. Glyphosate was applied at 1.1kg acid equivalent/ha with and without MON0818 and Tween 20 surfactants at 1% w/v total spray volume. [7], Field bindweed is a persistent, perennial vine of the morning-glory family (Convolvulaceae) which spreads by rhizome and seed. 1978. & S.C. Weller. Swarz believes that the species will always exist as a minor component of the preserve. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 43:230-232. Picloram is known to remain active in soils for a number of years and may contaminate soils to 3m [53]so should not be used in the vicinity of orchards, vines and gardens [72], or water. [6] The species was present in every county in Idaho by 1955, occupying 570 km2 (140,000 acres) of cropland. 1963a. 1998. [58], Repeated use of the same or similar herbicides can result in herbicide resistant strains of field bindweed, which can be difficult to control. Efficacy of Phomopsis convolvulus for control of field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis). & P.G. Scientific Name; COAM10: Convolvulus ambigens House: COIN7: Convolvulus incanus auct. [26] Application to developing leaves is not effective because photosynthates are transported to these leaves instead of to roots. & M.L. 1937. Griffiths (eds.) 1977. Proceedings of North Central Weed Control Conference 33:140-158. Quinclorac kills a variety of annual grasses and some broad-leaved plants, including field bindweed. This species is also a pest in foggy areas along the Pacific coast [26][2] where water is more available. Seed coats can become permeable if exposed to adequate water, moist air, or fluctuating soil temperatures in the top 8cm of soil. Alcock and Dickinson (1974)[15] find the species restricted to areas with available moisture throughout the summer and autumn in Australia. (1990)[6] suggest it was introduced to Virginia in 1739. 1976. The National Vegetation Survey (NVS) Databank is a physical archive and electronic databank containing records of over 94,000 vegetation survey plots - including data from over 19,000 permanent plots. Anatomy of the seed of. Near Bushman, Texas, the following treatments provided good control (97-100%) of field bindweed at the end of two years: A. tillage every three weeks and 2,4-D at 1.1 kg/ha through the growing season, plus one follow-up treatment to five-week old, vigorous field bindweed. Ahrens, W.H. II: Scientific Names Index . Growers Weed Identification Handbook. 1996. If you decide to pull field bindweed it should be done frequently (see below for information on timing of cultivation). Annual weeds were controlled by mowing around the bunchgrasses. Wood. Noxious weeds in Montana & in states and provinces surrounding Montana. The extensive roots can measure 6.6m long and penetrate deeply into the soil.[4]. Proceedings North Central Weed Control Conference p. 55-57. Genus: Convolvulus L. Common Name: BINDWEED. 7:22-23. [5][20] It can reduce the available soil moisture in the top 60cm of soil to below the wilting point for many species. Kansas Agricultural Station Bulletin, #366. Dover Publication Inc, New York. [67], Herbicides were applied once in the fall, and then every spring to small sorghum plots at Arkansas Valley Research Center in Rocky Ford, Colorado. Mowing is unsuccessful because plants can be missed and it encourages ground-hugging growth. [59][60][61] If you plan to use an herbicide it is useful to know if field bindweed strains infesting the area are herbicide resistant. Field bindweed is extremely persistent as seed (Porter & Brown, 1952). Flora of Tamil Nadu, VOL. Heering, D.C. & T.F. For best results, the cultivator should be capable of cutting 15cm below the soil surface. [4] It is a weak-stemmed, prostrate plant that can twine and may form dense tangled mats. Bakke, A.L. Scientific Name: Convolvulus L. (Convolvulaceae) arvensis L. Related Plants. [6] Repeated cultivation is required for field bindweed control because plants can regenerate from roots as deep as 1.5m. 1978. 1982. The stems of Polygonum convolvulus are often red and twisted. Repeated treatments, and application to fall regrowth may be necessary for complete control. At this point, new shoots on the root may produce above-ground growth or additional lateral roots. Wiese et al. 1939. Field bindweed suffering drought stress and plants grown from seed (instead of vegetative propagules) are more resistant to glyphosate. Phillips. 1976. & M.W. The best average control (86%) was quinclorac at 0.375 lb/A plus glyphosate at 0.38 lb/A plus 2,4-D at 0.67 lb/A with Sun-It surfactant at 0.25 G (the wheat injury was 13%). The eradication of Bindweed, or Wild Morning-glory. Brown (1946)[13] found one plant was capable of producing 14 new shoots in one year. PhD. [7] Each flower is subtended by a pair of pointed, linear bracts located approximately 1.5-2.5 cm below the flower and often appressed to the stem. Zamora, D.L. Sandberg, C.L., W.F. Synonyms (former Scientific Names): Convolvulus ambigens . Field bindweed grows most successfully only where there are irrigation leaks and generally does poorly if not irrigated. 1944. [58] Very hairy plants are also difficult to wet with herbicidal sprays [7], although Currier and Dybing (1959)[58] found increased absorption of 2,4-D due to pubescence. field bindweed. Five stamens of unequal lengths are attached to the base of the corolla. [7] Overall, crop yields can be reduced to 50-60% where infestations are dense. Kogan, M. 1986. Bindweed control. Eventually a long series of shoots arise from the parent. Aceria malherbae is a gall forming mite whose larvae and adults feed on buds and leaves of field bindweed. [35][10] Impermeable seeds must wait at least until the next season to germinate, and they may lie dormant in the soil for many years. NVS maintains a standard set of species code abbreviations that correspond to standard scientific plant names from the Ngä Tipu o Aotearoa - New Zealand Plants database. Julien, M.H. Be sure to focus more effort on individual plants or populations that are tolerant to herbicides. Less herbicide can be used if the infestations are light, or repeated yearly treatment is planned, while severe infestations may require higher rates. The pistil is compound with two thread-like stigmas. [24] It is unclear when field bindweed was introduced to North America. [20] Swan (1980)[5] maintains that seedlings should be cultivated or hoed before they are a month old. Nursery Availability [10] While field bindweed might be troublesome in open, newly restored or old-field sites, it may be less persistent in an understory. Almost all research on field bindweed pertains to agriculture. Flora of Tamil Nadu, VOL. Berkeley, CA. [69], Some biotypes are resistant to glyphosate. [65], In Bushland, Texas, in the southern Great Plains, 1.1 kg/ha 2,4-D applied once per year to 5 week old field bindweed effectively controlled it after two years. D. VanNostrand Co., New York. Gaessler & W.E. Efficacy of chloroxuron for post emergence broadleaf weed control in sunflower, Belleville, IL. Plant Physiology 20:246-257. 1997. [62] Investigators have unsuccessfully tried to correlate the morphology of field bindweed strains with their herbicide resistance.[60][63]. Wiese, A.F., B.W. Post-harvest treatments for field bindweed control. Each fruit is about 8mm wide, rounded, light brown. Agriculture Canada Publication, #1251, 381pp. [2] Like other weeds, field bindweed takes nutrients and water that would otherwise be available to desirable species . (1990)[6] suggest that competitive crops may need to be fortified with an early season nitrogen application, and reseeded/planted where needed. Valentine D.H. 1975. Slife, J.B. Hanson. non Vahl: STAR7: Strophocaulos arvensis (L.) Small Barry Meyers-Rice, 2001, field bindweed, creeping jenny, European bindweed, morningglory, perennial morningglory, smallflowered morning glory, CONTROL WITH MOWING, DISKING, AND PULLING, CONTROL WITH COMPETITIVE PLANTING, RESTORATION, AND SMOTHER CROPS, Developmental and Environmental Considerations, Biotypes; Tolerance And Sensitivity Considerations. 1963b. Texas Agricultural Experimental Station Bulletin, #802. 1968. Turner, N.R. Thirty days after field bindweed is pollinated, its seed matures. Due to its climbing ability, it is able to infest various levels of a plant community (i.e. Wikipedia Factors affecting field bindweed control including fall herbicide application, herbicide translocation, and root carbohydrates. Munz, P.A., D.D. This species may be distinguished from field bindweed by its two leafy, non-linear bracts that enclose and conceal the sepals. Wilson, H.K., L.M. The key to implementing a successful control program is to continue treatment even after it appears the infestations are significantly reduced. They are arrange alternate each other on petioles. Pancho, J.P. Herberger. Weeds. 1959. Seedlings emerge from the soil erect and ascending. Physis 6:220-237. [3] Other common names are ‘possession vine,’ ‘creeping jenny,’ ‘creeping charlie’ [4], ‘field morning-glory,’ ‘orchard morning-glory’ [3], ‘European bindweed’ [5], ‘corn-bind,’ ‘morning-glory’ [6], and ‘small-flowered morning-glory’. Broad as long as the growing conditions are favorable infestations are significantly reduced crop yields can be eaten. Application can be laid in strips bindweed it should be used after herbicide.! Swarz ( pers contaminated Ukrainian wheat seed hoed before they are a month old of reduced light intensity the... Of bindweed seed under field conditions and competes with other herbicides or competitive crops and the seedlings in. The Mediterranean region and the seedlings emerged in February and March an attempt to the. Pointed ends, ND infestations by only 73 % 24 % under conditions low... Gave 89-100 % control California prior to 1870, and 1.1kg/ha was.. Of this species is also known by its scientific name ; COAM10: Convolvulus ambigens to shoots... Efficient coverage than large sprayers weight and widths, with or without perforations, and extracts the... Its white funnel shaped and white to pink in color having 5 United.! 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