get current user login name in sharepoint 2013 rest api

Home 2013 2010 Other Versions Library Forums Gallery. 11. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. See Also. SharePoint 2013 (and previous versions) uses a client side “token” to validate posts back to SharePoint to prevent attacks where the user might be tricked into posting data back to the server. In this post lets have a look at how to get SharePoint user profile properties using the REST API. My contributions. SharePoint 2016: Get Current User Using REST API. SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.LoginName. You may like following SharePoint Rest API tutorials: Hope this SharePoint tutorial helps to get current logged in user details like display name, email etc using Rest API in SharePoint 2013/2016 or SharePoint Online. The people picker for Manager field is loaded after getting the value from current logged in user field. Thanks, SP.SOD.executeOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(getCurrentUser. @v='' Each one wil let you capture the current user or get an user by its ID or login name. I want current login user name. Here is a quick reference for the REST API endpoints. We can get the login name by splitting the output. SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.LoginName. Let’s take a look at each approach along with the code, one by one. to authenticate the current user. If you are new to Rest API, check out SharePoint Rest API Tutorial and Examples. Recently in one of my project, I wanted to retrieve the logged in user’s login name in the format of domain\username. _api/web/SiteUserInfoList/items()? Hello SharePointers, In this blog, we will see piece of code get Login User Name /Email in SharePoint Online or SharePoint 2013/2016 using JSOM? check here – mohsenof Nov 6 '14 at 10:31 In SSOM we get the current logged in user to the SharePoint farm. Cross-Domain Requests. Hence if you have to change the user, the manager value is set during document.ready(). Please log in again. In this article, we explore how to check whether the login user has full permission or not using the SharePoint 2013 REST API. ; It exposes all the SharePoint entities included in the SharePoint Client APIs. use /_api/web/getuserbyid(ID) to get the user field in the response data, we have an “AuthorId” will get us the user Title, Email etc. _spPageContextInfo.userLoginName; This will get you the login name without making any AJAX calls with JSOM or REST. Gets the current user of the site. 3. I am very much passionate about programming and my core skills are SharePoint, ASP.NET & C#,Jquery,Javascript,REST. We will retrieve logged in user details like Email, Display name, Id etc, using Rest API in SharePoint Online or SharePoint 2013/2016. This web browser either does not support JavaScript or scripts are being blocked. I wanted to avoid using JSOM and do everything with REST. Try Out the Latest Microsoft Technology. Given below are the steps to get Current User Id. context.executeQueryAsync(onSuccessMethod, onRequestFail); userLoginName = currentUser.get_loginName(); currentUserAccount = userLoginName.substring(userLoginName.indexOf(, Add - PSSnapin Microsoft.Sharepoint.Powershell $site = Get - SPSite, $strLoginName = $web.CurrentUser.LoginName$strID = $web.CurrentUser.ID$strName = $web.CurrentUser.Name, Clean Architecture End To End In .NET 5, Getting Started With Azure Service Bus Queues And ASP.NET Core - Part 1, How To Add A Document Viewer In Angular 10, Flutter Vs React Native - Best Choice To Build Mobile App In 2021, Deploying ASP.NET and DotVVM web applications on Azure, Integrate CosmosDB Server Objects with ASP.NET Core MVC App, Getting Started With Azure Service Bus Queues And ASP.NET Core Background Services. Get all answer by current user login: ??? How to get login name and display name using SharePoint 2013 REST API. SharePoint Online tutorial contents: Rest API filter list items created by logged in user SharePoint REST resource endpoint. Black Friday Sale (30% OFF ) Complete SharePoint Training Course, Retrieve a single item from SharePoint 2013 list using REST API, Retrieve list data using AngularJS REST API in SharePoint 2013, Remove User by login name or by Id from SharePoint 2013 Group using Rest API, Rest API Create and delete a folder inside the document library in SharePoint 2013, Add User to SharePoint group using REST API, Get All Users from SharePoint group using Rest API, Filter Records based on conditions using REST API in SharePoint 2013, Workflow Task and History List not found error in SharePoint 2013/2010, Calculate Age in Year in InfoPath Form in SharePoint 2013/2010. First we will see how to check the server response on the REST API request by hitting a Simple EndPoint URL on the browser. The Microsoft documentation talk about a endpoint but I could not get it working. In this article, I will show the sample code to get the current logged in user using user profile JavaScript. Here is the scenario: I have a SP 2010 hosted site that has a web part that makes a REST API call to SharePoint 2013 search center to get the results. use /_api/web/getuserbyid (ID) to get the user field in the response data, we have an “AuthorId” will get us the user Title, Email etc. which we used to do earlier. Email. These users would be part of the "Everyone" group listed under Site Vistiors. Office > Gallery > Office 365 > Get Current Logged in User & Manager using REST API in SharePoint Online. My contributions. Step 1 - Create SharePoint Hosted App project. NOTE: When using the ensureUser method against an AD user, just use its username. We will retrieve logged in user details like Email, Display name, Id etc, using Rest API in SharePoint Online or SharePoint 2013/2016. These wall posters provide syntax diagrams displaying how to construct REST requests for commonly used resources in the SharePoint 2013 REST services: files and folders, lists and list items, and users and groups. Initially, we have to obtain the current SharePoint user group they belong to, which can be achieved using the SharePoint 2013 REST API. SharePoint 2013 (and previous versions) uses a client side “token” to validate posts back to SharePoint to prevent attacks where the user might be tricked into posting data back to the server. Step-2: The process to add your JavaScript code is quite straightforward: Edit the page, go to the “Insert” tab in the Ribbon and click the “Web Part” option. You can insert the HTML and/or JavaScript code into the dialog. ; The SharePoint REST service supports sending POST commands that include object definitions to endpoints that represent collections. Each one wil let you capture the current user or get an user by its ID or login name. Step-1: Navigate to your SharePoint 2013 site and create a Wiki Page or a Web Parts page. After you have created your data connection you will need to create a field that limits the records returned from the REST Web Service. Type: SP.User. I need a generic way to get user data by the display name. Interestingly, there is no equivalent endpoint available in REST! There are multiple approaches by which we can get the logged in details such as User ID, Login Name (Login ID) of the user and the Display Name of the user. You have to use the hidden User Information List. I am working in SharePoint 2013 and I am trying to get all the site users by utilizing a REST API query. This JavaScript tutorial, we will discuss how to retrieve current user details using SharePoint 2013 CSOM using JavaScript Object model (jsom). An SP.User object that represents the current user. In my last post SharePoint 2013: Working with User Profiles & JavaScript CSOM we saw how to get SharePoint UserProfile Properties using the JavaScript Client Object Model. We can also get the information about the current logged in user by fetching the current logged in user details from the User Information List. Note : I want to use Rest API only don't want to use CSOM or JSOM This SharePoint Rest API tutorial explains, how to remove a user by Login name or user id from a SharePoint security group using Rest API. How to get login name and display name using SharePoint 2013 REST API. This web browser either does not support JavaScript or scripts are being blocked. SharePoint 2013 allows users to work directly with SharePoint objects (lists, libraries, etc.) SharePoint provides OOB REST APIs to get site users, however, with login name format, which is dependent upon SharePoint environment, it becomes little tricky. REST API is quite simple and straightforward, used User ID to get user Title, Email for SharePoint 2013 and apps for SharePoint. REST API In SharePoint. REST resource endpoint. Recently in one of my project, I wanted to retrieve the logged in user’s login name in the format of domain\username. This SharePoint Rest API tutorial explains, how to get current logged in user details like display name, email, etc using Rest API in SharePoint 2013/2016 or SharePoint Online. Create an app using NAPA Tool in SharePoint 2013 Online. User profile properties provide information about SharePoint users, such as display name, email, account name and other business and personal information including custom properties. Step-1: Navigate to your SharePoint 2013 site and create a Wiki Page or a Web Parts page. In certain cases, it is required to fetch UserId of particular site users in SharePoint. Fortunately, I understand that you must rely on JSOM for certain things. REST API stands for Representational State Transfer. In the code above, we’ll get the author id from the list. Here is the scenario: I have a SP 2010 hosted site that has a web part that makes a REST API call to SharePoint 2013 search center to get the results. I wanted to avoid using JSOM and do everything with REST. I am running this blog to share my experience & learning with the community I am an MCP, MCTS .NET & Sharepoint 2010, MCPD Sharepoint 2010, and MCSD HTML 5,Sharepoint 2013 Core If you are working on SharePoint Online, then they have introduced a new variable to hold the current user's login name in the _spPageContextInfo global object. When the user open your app on button click out of the sharepoint site, than you have to ensure that the IIS configuration for the MVC app is set to Windows Authentication and User impersonation. The REST endpoint to get site users is : http:///_api/web/siteusers(@v)? So what is the way to get User Id using REST? Remarks. share ... Name. Based on your project requirement, you can use this User Id value in your project. In this article I explore how to check whether the login user has full permission or not using the SharePoint 2013 REST API. So my question is how can I can do the same in SharePoint 2013 (On-Premise). Quick access. I have the id of the user and I need to get his login name. I am Developer working on Microsoft Technologies for the past 6+years. Use /_api/web/getuserbyid(ID) to get the user field in the response data, we have an “AuthorId” to get the user's Title, Email and so on. This SharePoint Rest API tutorial explains, how to get logged in user profile properties using Rest API in SharePoint Online or SharePoint 2013/2016. 2. So, after getting the user id from your list you need to make another Ajax call to get the user login name/display name by using /_api/Web/GetUserById method . Applies to: apps for SharePoint | SharePoint Foundation 2013 | SharePoint Server 2013. var value = SP.Web.get_currentUser () Return value. Type: SP.User. to authenticate the current user. Interestingly, there is no equivalent endpoint available in REST! Retrieving User details like user name, login id, email and other details from a Person or Group column is not straight forward in SharePoint 2013 REST API. No need to add "domain\" before neither any other kind of prefix/suffix. Get Current user profile properties using REST API In this section, we will see how to get the profile properties for the logged-in user itself. SharePoint Online tutorial contents: Rest API filter list items created by logged in user SharePoint SharePoint 2016: JSOM is only working in Edit Mode. In that case the user which opens the SharePoint site and click on the link to open your MVC app is the same user. In this SharePoint tutorial, we will discuss various ways to get logged in user details in SharePoint 2016/2013 or SharePoint Online. The poster includes technical details of each resource, including which HTTP requests the resource supports. So, user_name would be something like this: "username". User profile properties provide information about SharePoint users, such as display name, email, account name and other business and personal information including custom properties. But the output I received contains some extra stuff along with my domain name and username. Please help me. See Web resource for more information. This seems simple and to retrieve the username, I used the below code. It is basically, on document.ready(), REST API call is made and it populates the data on the form load. This tip may be helpful in getting UserId for site user by passing login name. The Microsoft documentation talk about a endpoint but I could not get it working. The login page will open in a new tab. Get the file checked out by user login name using the REST API. Solutions. Home 2013 2010 Other Versions Library Forums Gallery. How to get login name and display name using SharePoint 2013 REST API. You have to use the hidden User Information List. Get Current Logged in User and Display Name using SharePoint 2013 REST API. by using any technology that supports standard REST capabilities. There are various object supported in SP.userProfile namespace. var user_name will contain target AD username. In this post lets have a look at how to get them using the REST API. REST API doesn’t require to reference any SharePoint assemblies. In this post, I explained how to use the JavaScript Object Model (JSOM) to get the SharePoint Current User details: Login Name. Write code to get the Current User Id in App.js file. My code is below, can anyone see where the problem is? The REST API (Representational State Transfer) service in SharePoint 2013 is another client object model technique like CSOM, JSOM, etc. Email. ; It makes an HTTP request to GET or POST or PUT or DELETE sharepoint objects like webs, lists …etc. In that case the user which opens the SharePoint site and click on the link to open your MVC app is the same user. This seems simple and to retrieve the username, I used the below code. In the first SharePoint 2013 rest api example, we will see how to get a user display name using Rest API in SharePoint. Example: ... Current Post/Home/Up. Email. Can anyone please tell me how to get login name. It must not be null. Happy Let's proceed When we use /_api/web/CurrentUser and /_api/web/GetUserById("+UserID+")/Groups, we get the current user’s group collection . Get All Users From Site Group in SharePoint using REST API The example in this topic show how to use REST API to Get All Users From Site Group in SharePoint REST-API is based on OData (Open Data) Protocol and hence it doesn't require any dll or JS library to run the commands on the SharePoint objects. If you want to do this to an endpoint Use this HTTP request Keep in mind; Read a resource: GET: Create or update a resource: POST: Use POST to create entities such as lists and sites. SharePoint 2016: Get Current User Using REST API. In my last post SharePoint 2013: Working with User Profiles & JavaScript CSOM we saw how to get SharePoint UserProfile Properties using the JavaScript Client Object Model. In the “Web Parts” picker area, go to the “Media and Content” category, select the “Script Editor” Web Part and press the “Add button”. If you use SP2010 like me, it won't work for you because _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl doesn't work on SP2010. Just the username 3. Remarks. There are different ways we can retrieve current logged in user details like UserID, Login Name, Login ID, Logged in user display name, etc. This EndPoint URL provides all the information about the Current logged in user. The poster includes technical details of each resource, including which HTTP requests the resource supports. ; It exposes all the SharePoint entities included in the SharePoint Client APIs. We wanted to avoid using JSOM and do everything with REST. User profile properties provide information about SharePoint users, such as display name, email, account name, and other business and personal information's including custom properties. The above code fetches User Id for a given Login Name or Email Id. Applies to: apps for SharePoint | SharePoint Foundation 2013 | SharePoint Server 2013. var value = SP.Web.get_currentUser () Return value. For this approach we need the ID of the current logged in user. Is it possible to modify this API call to get any user's profile data? Display Name. Dear All, I am using SharePoint 2010 REST API with angularjs. Imagine Imagine I want to retrieve a custom field from the user profile property with REST. For this example, we’ll be retrieving the user’s department by setting the URL as follows. Display Name. I am having issues passing the current logged in user's credentials in to a REST API call. By passing the author id in to GetUserBuId() method, it will return the user in raw format like “I:O#.f|xxxx|[email protected]”. ; It makes an HTTP request to GET or POST or PUT or DELETE sharepoint objects like webs, lists …etc. rest api sharepoint. I am having issues passing the current logged in user's credentials in to a REST API call. I’m going to split it into Server-side object model for C# developers, REST API (for SharePoint 2013 projects or newer) and the old-fashioned JavaScript object model introduced in SharePoint 2010. REST API In SharePoint. – Julian Soro May 14 '14 at 22:15 The post where Andrew Clark found my comment was a great one by Andrew Connell (@andrewconnell) about Applying Filters to Lookup Fields with the SharePoint 2013 REST API. When the user open your app on button click out of the sharepoint site, than you have to ensure that the IIS configuration for the MVC app is set to Windows Authentication and User impersonation. SharePoint 2016: JSOM is only working in Edit Mode. In SharePoint 2013 environment, SP.UserProfiles javascript is used to get user profiles and user properties in custom solutions for SharePoint 2013 and apps for SharePoint. This requires additional parsing of JSON data as it is retuned as a nested JSON node. REST API doesn’t require to reference any SharePoint assemblies. The … In this post we will discuss how to get current logged in user and display name using SharePoint 2013 REST API. Note : I want to use Rest API only don't want to use CSOM or JSOM Example: http://win-eqalhem27jl:7575/sites/one/_api/Web/CurrentUser. The post where Andrew Clark found my comment was a great one by Andrew Connell (@andrewconnell) about Applying Filters to Lookup Fields with the SharePoint 2013 REST API. It must not be null. Step 2 - Write the code to get current User Id in App.js file. Try Out the Latest Microsoft Technology. In this post lets have a look at how to get them using the REST API. Here is a quick reference for the REST API endpoints. I’m going to split it into Server-side object model for C# developers, REST API (for SharePoint 2013 projects or newer) and the old-fashioned JavaScript object model introduced in SharePoint 2010. See Also. The above code fetches User Id for a given Login Name or Email Id. In this article we will learn how to fetch the user details of the current logged in user in a SharePoint site. Unfortunately while my query works in Postman it does not work in SP. This is not an article, but a small tip. This token is known by many names; form digest or message digest or request digest. But it is also mentioned in the article that the solution is specific to SharePoint Online only and not to the SharePoint On-Premise (SharePoint 2013 in my case). ©2020 C# Corner. Remove User by LoginName or User ID from SharePoint Group The URL is constructed with the use of CurrentUser as the EndPoint, which returns the User ID, Login Name, Title, etc. An SP.User object that represents the current user. The REST-API endpoint is - /_api/SP.UserProfiles.PeopleManager/GetMyProperties Please find below the complete method. Open the App.js file, remove the existing code, and paste the below code. Examplehttp://win-eqalhem27jl:7575/sites/one/_api/Web/SiteUserInfoList/Items(8)?$select=ID,Name,Title. In this post lets have a look at how to get SharePoint user profile properties using the REST API. Thanks, Here, we are going to display user id in alert message. I am currently working on Sharepoint 2010, MOSS 2007, Sharepoint 2013,Sharepoint 2013 App Dev, C#, ASP.NET, and SQL Server 2008. 1. This token is known by many names; form digest or message digest or request digest. This article explores with the REST API a quite simple and straightforward way to use a User ID to get the user's Title and Email for SharePoint 2013 and apps for SharePoint. Let's proceed When we use /_api/web/CurrentUser and /_api/web/GetUserById("+UserID+")/ Groups , we get the current user’s group collection . Initially we have to obtain the current user of SharePoint group they belong to, which can be achieved using SharePoint 2013 REST API. Below are few examples of SharePoint Rest API. We will look into the following five approaches. a. Vardhaman Deshpande has a fantastic blog post that details how to get user profile properties using the REST API—I encourage you to check it out. 1) Get all properties of current user: Quick access. Fortunately, I understand that you must rely on JSOM for certain things. Set scope of the Site Collection and set permissions as "FullControl". The EndPoint URL for this can be constructed with SiteUserInfoList/items(Curent User ID) as the EndPoint. But it is also mentioned in the article that the solution is specific to SharePoint Online only and not to the SharePoint On-Premise (SharePoint 2013 in my case). Console.Write("SSOM\nUser Information\nUser ID : " + user.ID + "\nUser Login Name : " + user.LoginName + "\nUser Title: " + user.Name); Console.ReadLine(); Output The rest api code will work in SharePoint 2013 or SharePoint 2016. Step-2: The process to add your JavaScript code is quite straightforward:Edit the page, go to the “Insert” tab in the Ribbon and click the “Web Part” option. Create SharePoint Hosted App project. I want current login user name. So what is the way to get User Id using REST? They are given as below. SharePoint 2013: How to get Current User Information in REST Services; ... How to Get Login Name and Display Name using SharePoint 2013 REST API; Get All Of Specific Column in TD and TR Using Rest Ap i; Working with Files and Folders. Required, but never shown Post Your ... Get the List data including attachments and other fields data in SharePoint 2013 online using REST API. These wall posters provide syntax diagrams displaying how to construct REST requests for commonly used resources in the SharePoint 2013 REST services: files and folders, lists and list items, and users and groups. In this Article explore with REST API is quite simple and straightforward, used User ID to get user Title, Email for SharePoint 2013 and apps for SharePoint. Imagine Imagine I want to retrieve a custom field from the user profile property with REST. ; The SharePoint REST service supports sending POST commands that include object definitions to endpoints that represent collections. In this post, I explained how to use the JavaScript Object Model (JSOM) to get the SharePoint Current User details: Login Name. So my question is how can I can do the same in SharePoint 2013 (On-Premise). 1) Get all properties of current user: Office > Gallery > Office 365 > Get Current Logged in User & Manager using REST API in SharePoint Online. "http://win-eqalhem27jl:7575/sites/one/SiteAssets/1.11.2.jquery.js", "/_api/Web/SiteUserInfoList/Items(8)?$select=ID,Name,Title". The … If you want to do this to an endpoint Use this HTTP request Keep in mind; Read a resource: GET: Create or update a resource: POST: Use POST to create entities such as lists and sites. Generate the REST URL that will return the relevant user profile property. These SharePoint 2013 rest api examples will help you to work with SharePoint 2013/Online/2016. In this article I explore how to check whether the login user has full permission or not using the SharePoint 2013 REST API. Note: 1. Can anyone please tell me how to get login name. Fortunately, we understand that you must rely on JSOM for certain things. See Web resource for more information. Retrieve user display name using Rest API in SharePoint Online/2013. Gets the current user of the site. All contents are copyright of their authors. REST API stands for Representational State Transfer. Dear All, I am using SharePoint 2010 REST API with angularjs. Step-3: Once the Web Part is inserted into the page, you will see an “EDIT SNIPPET” link click. Step 1 - Create SharePoint Hosted App project. 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