the revanchist fanfiction

She had read all the latest intelligence the Jedi had on the Senate, while they served the Republic and the Senate they liked to keep a close eye on them as well. It was something that felt wrong to her deep in her core, and it wasn’t something she believed Revan would have wished for himself, enemy or not. She was someone she had never truly been comfortable around anyway. ‘Was there any point of going to Manaan or risking the danger of going to Korriban?’ he asked himself. “I really dislike this world,” Revan couldn’t help mutter aloud as he stared at the sand covered world in distaste. A dark day in Mandalorian history, it had united the Republic even more against them, and worse it had been the event that had allowed Revan and his Jedi followers into the war. He would need all the help he could get to put Malak down and anyone who followed him. His head connected with the trunk and he saw stars. Mandalore himself was cut down by Revan along with his entire crew during the final battle over Malachor V, that battle had been the death nail for the united clans as they scattered to the winds. What did he mean she asked or more importantly who did he mean? “Don’t talk to me about the council kid. Community. “Names Jolee Bindo, former Jedi,” he introduced himself taking in the fact they were still on guard and armed. “How many thousands died while they sat and preached understanding and patience?” he asked her, but he didn’t expect a response. “Yes the ship is in good shape, no damage from the fighting or the attack we suffered on the way here,” Bastila called back as she moved to enter the ship with Zayne and Jarael following. They have never allowed themselves to grow or improve,” Revan grunted in disgust and a shake of his head. Revan looked at her for a few seconds before conceding her point and nodded in agreement, turning back to Nord he twisted his hand somewhat and they all heard the man’s neck break. He ignored the head as it bounded over the landing pad and into the deep jungle. We’ll have to go there to get entry into the Shadowlands,’ Revan added without thought before cursing himself inwardly at the second slip up he had just made. He hadn’t believed to find one on Kashyyk of all places. Her first instinct was to warn the council, but knowing what they had done even if she didn’t really want to believe them capable of it, made her sick. “From here on out, we are in danger,” he stated. ‘Once we’ve been to the village. “Zaalbar, what has this Hutt spawn been telling you?” Revan inquired, ignoring the threat from Chuundar and focusing on his brother, hoping whatever had been said hadn’t poisoned the Wookiee’s mind against them. She would get the answers out of Rikka, inside however a white hot anger burned within her and she vowed if Revan was dead Malak would pay. Half of her dreaded to find out and the other half couldn’t wait to learn the answer. Cocky as all hell and doesnt understand why she shouldn't be tolerated as well. They’re the supposed protectors of the Republic and they did nothing,” Revan continued after a few minutes of silence. “Go, carry out your mission and don’t return until you have that information,” he ordered as he turned and looked out of the large view port. Finally the Twi’lek lowered her own weapon as stared at Meetra trying to recognize her face. By: Razial. Revan had been an informal student of hers. But that had to be a foolish notion, she had only been in Revan’s company for a few months, and even then he had been hiding behind the personality the council had believed they had installed in him. Revan put him out of his misery with a quick strike to this chest. “I don’t believe Malak is the source,” Master Dorak argued very troubled by this sudden break in his connection with the force. Revanchist definition is - of or relating to a policy designed to recover lost territory or status : of or relating to a revanche; also : advocating or fighting for the recovery of lost territory or status. Chapter 4(Kashyyk, Wookiee Village). She was further startled when Revan made her aware there was probably more Sith on any planet with a star map. “You can see force auras?” Revan asked with interest as he had known Jedi with the skill before and they had been useful. Jarael seeing this took a hold of his arm and pulled him into a quick kiss. They gained the help of Mission and the others as they went along each helping in their own way. He winced as it cut his finger. It would do them no good and only complicate matters. He had learned from Revan that killing your own people, unless they deserved it, was counterproductive and could cost him the loyalty of his followers and he needed them to win this war. ‘So how was Revan still alive?’ she asked herself. She was begging to see how wrong the Masters she had long believed in were. “They more than likely pass that on to their students,” he added. “Yes my Lord,” Karath responded with a salute before moving to carry out his order. This second admission surprised Bastila even more. “Yes he would,” Meetra agreed with a nod of her head. “Brejik was second in command of the Hidden Beks back then and he decided to hold a couple of kids hostage to force the local constable to do his bidding. Clearly he had heard what Bastila had called him. They no longer had to pretend to be Sith and they no longer had any loyalty to the empire. But his anger cooled as he read about what the Jedi had done to him. Granted he didn’t need the star maps to know where the Star Forge was, he knew already, but he needed time to gain Bastila’s and the others loyalty for the fight ahead. They were stunned to find a bald older dark skinned male in the clothes of the Jedi fighting a pack of Katarns. Bastila winced as a guard almost managed to wound her in the side with his blaster, the only reason it missed was Revan pushing her out of the way. Bio Since May 2017 (3 Years 225 Days) I am Revan reborn. “Their rule about emotions is so wrong it is surprising there are any Jedi at all. “Malak’s people are good at staying in the shadows, keep that in mind,” he pointed out. “Don’t listen to the gizak brain Big Z,” Mission shouted, not liking what her friend had said. Bastila could kick Revan/Jaks for his outburst. “We have to go to Tatooine anyway, I guess seeing her couldn’t hurt,” she finally said aloud although only Revan could tell she didn’t meant that. “There are more important things in life than most Jedi would believe, were they as noble as they like to project themselves they would fall on this planet and wipe Czerka out,” he growled as he continued. “Do you really think Malak would come after us?” Jarael asked in fear. “You earned that lightsaber even though you are not a Jedi for saving Revan’s life,” she continued. Oh he found her attractive and he liked her attitude, but he had only known her for a short time. He is still pretty new to the Order and our way of doing things,” Bastila said quickly, turning to face the guards and indicating the others to put their weapons away. ‘Why was he helping the Jedi?’ was another question he kept asking. The Terentatek advanced on him, but Jolee and Bastila quickly moved to slow it down as Revan tried to recover. The questioning of captured Wookiees revealed the rebellion was begun by a Wookiee Chieftain called Freyyr whose outlawed son seemed to be one of Revan’s companions,” he continued. “It is still sharp. To now know he was little more than a puppet angered him greatly, it made his own time as Revan’s apprentice seem a joke if such a man as the one he followed could be brought so low. Why did he feel so strongly for her then?’ she asked herself. Revan was watching Bastila’s eyes just as she watched his, watching for signs of deceit that she knew he was faking being the puppet the Jedi council had hoped to create. One part of her thought she should inform the council about her suspicions, but that was quickly shot down by another side of her. Ulrich the Revanchist is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. “To be honest I don’t know what I’m any more, Sith, Jedi neither really suit me,” he mused aloud. By anordinaryhero Watch. He found Juhani fighting a rather large Twi’lek in Czerka armor and he quickly moved to help, he also noted T3 on the ramp firing his own internal blasters at another guard. Karath stood of to the side going over the latest reports on the resupply they were undergoing. “Seen as my cover has been blown, going to the planets where the maps are seems a waste, but it may at least help us build up our team’s skills and trust in one another,” he continued. A boy finds Revan's Jedi holocron, and becomes the next Revanchist under the Prodigal Knight's guidance. “I wish you well in reclaiming your world, if you need any help then call and we will return and help as best as we can,” he promised before he turned and headed for the ship while taking in Bastila’s shocked look at the conversation she had overheard. Bastila wanted to defend the council, but found herself unable to voice any such protest against his words. What would Revan do then?’ she asked herself. “Outside our mandate?” Revan continued. Hide Full Bio Read More . “I actually pay attention to things that don’t include Jedi or the force,” Revan shot back. Korriban was home to the ancient Sith spirits that infested the tombs in the valley of the Sith Lords, it also housed the Sith academy he and Malak had built to train new recruits. She lashed out with a sharp kick as she spun around, deflecting another swing from the Sith. In a darkened sector of space a fleet of ships await the return of their leader, The Revanchist. She sensed no threat from the Twi’lek just genuine interest in seeing someone she knew from the past. Revan didn’t doubt he had just stepped in it. It had the desired effect and deflected Nord’s strike into the ground. Canderous and Carth he noted were slowly inching for their weapons, a fight here would be a mistake. Finally Malak turned to face his kneeling apprentice, he could tell by the look on the other man’s face that he hoped to one day take his place just as he had thought the same when Revan still ruled. But Malak had let the dark side eat him from the inside out, he had become a monster. She cut down a guard as he attempted to stab Bastila who was busy fighting the guard who had insulted Zaalbar and got into Revan’s face when he retaliated. Canderous was over by the small window keeping an eye out. More and more she felt the urge to return home, she’d almost believe it was the force trying to tell her this, but she knew that was impossible. Bandon smiled in malicious satisfaction as he walked past the injured man, he loved causing suffering to anyone he chose to and by doing so causing all who saw him to fear him. Revan growled low in this throat as he tried to block out what he was feeling and seeing from Bastila. “After finding the empire we had a meeting to decide what to do about it,” Rikka explained carefully. They shouldn’t ignore the suffering of the thousands of slaves that existed in the galaxy, just because it was supposedly outside their jurisdiction. Revan trust his lightsaber into the last guard as he tried to rush him. She remembered seeing him lying face down bleeding to death after Malak’s cowardly attack, and the force had quickly surrounded her and prompted her to save him. “It hasn’t done either. “If any bit of his previous personality surfaces, we will be in more danger than ever before as he will come after us for revenge,” he warned them. “More than likely Malak’s intention in giving him the sword,” Bastila mused with her own shiver now understanding why the force had pushed her to intervene in the fight between Revan and Nord. “You haven’t been keeping up with galactic affairs have you?” Revan asked calmly. “I hoped to make the Jedi stronger, make them evolve into something that could meet the real enemy head on with no hesitation and no weakness,” he explained. Revan’s eyebrow rose in surprise as he suddenly realized who had arrived, he remembered Alek’s tales of meeting both these individuals at the beginning of their attempts to convince the council to go to war. Strangely she found she recognized one of them. Bastila closed her eyes and tried to think of what it was her mother wanted objectively, sadly her mind refused to cooperate and found the worst things she could think of in this regard. Before anything else could happen the door to the hut burst open and Freyyr stormed inside. “You seem familiar, but I don’t know you,” Rikka answered as her cohort began to come back to his senses, moaning as he reached up to touch his broken nose which was bleeding heavily. Bastila needed to see the way the universe really worked if she was to be any real use to him, she needed to see that the Jedi were wrong to keep themselves apart from the realities of galaxy. 6. chapter 6 Too many questions he thought, letting out a sigh the small Jedi Master closed his eyes and wondered what to do about this latest vision. “We should have removed him permanently and ensured there was no way for him to come back,” she argued. “I’m General Meetra Surik,” Meetra reintroduced herself, feeling a little bit let down at not being recognized. “I want her unspoiled and unharmed as I wish to be the one to break her,” he said and made his voice as cold and hard as he could to ensure Bandon understood he was serious. “Chuundar has said many things, some of it sounds like reason, but I don’t know what to truly think about it,” Zaalbar answered slowly. ... That's Chapter 1. “We have removed Revan from the board, now all we need to do is deal with Malak,” he added. There isn’t much of interest on Kashyyk to Jedi,” he pointed out. ‘Was it possible some small measure of Revan had survived the process, or was it more likely his mind had not been as damaged as the Masters had believed? Still even with the Mandalorians on their side it would be a hard fight, unless he could find more help. After a few minutes the vision ended with the light eclipsing his entire vision, opening his eyes and blinking wildly he wondered just what the vision meant. Each tried to slip back into meditation and try to find the source of the disruption in the flow of the force, but not one of them could do it. Plus I always did like HK 47, and a variant of him that is in the sequel to "In the Mind of a Scientist", while IMS is a good story on the whole and I mean hilarious mind you, it's successor had Frank and the Robot was so much like HK it isn't even funny. The True Sith must know by now what was going on and they had to see this entire region of the galaxy was open to attack. In turn this would allow Canderous to save his people from the slow death they now endured. “The Jedi have no position on your organization,” she assured them. Chuundar let out what he considered an unimpressed laugh, but inside he felt a shiver at the look the human had given him. Rikka hesitated but the look in Meetra’s eyes convinced her to answer. 3. The creatures roared as Jolee struck at the same spot with Bastila following. He missed the looked Zayne got on his face as he looked at Carth’s companions and settled on Revan. Atris almost smiled at this news, but managed to stop it from forming. Zayne’s unique ability with the Force may come in handy fully trained as a Jedi or not. Rikka had been a slave he had saved during the first month of his entrance into the war. Apr 3, 2017 1 min read. “Nothing,” Revan answered much to the surprise of Bastila and Canderous. They missed the smile that suddenly graced Carth’s features, for once it was clear of any of the usual falseness that clouded his smile. They didn’t need the star maps, but this team that had sprung up around him needed more trust between the various members. Revan lashed out with his lightsaber at the rather large Terentatek that had come out of nowhere. Following Friends Follow Unfollow Chat . “I sense great change and danger, but the future is clouded and I can no longer see what may be,” he admitted. Canon Divergence and Slow Burn and Getting Back Together and Friends to Lovers to Enemies … Forum. Somehow the Twi’lek jumped out of the way. “I can see why you left the Order,” Bastila responded, frowning at the older man who turned to meet her gaze. Perhaps he could find some willing allies from within the Republic and Jedi and maybe even Malak’s Sith. Alek had been a friend and an ally during his time as a fugitive. “That kinda goes against us keeping a low profile now, doesn’t it?” he added. The creature tried to squash Bastila with its huge claw, but she used the force to jump out of its reach and right over its head. “Are there any more of you?” Revan demanded to know. Bastila grimaced in distaste as she stared at the dead body. Meetra frowned as she considered this and wondered if there was not some truth to this rumor. They both heard Jolee cry out as he was caught by the things arm and sent stumbling backwards, the force of the blow was enough to send him to his knees. “His name is Jaks,” Mission said as she walked pass them with Zaalbar finally making it back after saying goodbye to his father. Those like Cassus Fett were betrayers to the code of honor most Mandalorians followed. for Unknown Revanchist. “Very well Jolee, we have a deal,” he finally said, surprising Bastila by his agreeing to his offer. He cursed her and vowed once she was captured that she would suffer even greater than he had planned before he broke her, that girl had ruined his chances of being rid of Revan permanently. 12/28/2018 c10 Darth revan1998 Awesome chapter can't wait for the next update. “We have been consulting with the Chancellor all day, things have taken a turn for the worse I’m afraid,” she admitted with a tired sigh. This was a battle and she intended to survive past it, she had a mission to complete and while she would regret the loss of life she knew it was necessary. The pain of that moment would live inside her forever. “Don’t take it personally,” she added. “Disturbing how?” Meetra inquired listening to everything that was said carefully. The doors to the bridge opened to let in a tall bald man with a goatee styled beard, his eyes looked like the darkest pits of hell and made anyone, bar Malak, who looked him in the eye tremble in fear. “The second choice was to attempt to attack the Sith full on before we were discovered, but that choice was dismissed by Revan and Malak and the others agreed,” Rikka began again. Make them regret thinking they could use him as some mindless puppet. But if he was honest with himself, he was getting tired of pretending to be someone he wasn’t. Or don’t you agree?” he inquired as they began to get near the bottom. That it was their fault that the war had dragged on as long as it had, that they were in the end responsible for the changes Revan and the others had endured during the war. He gritted his teeth and tried to push the man back, this had little effect as Revan easily absorbed the attacks before unleashing his own. Looking up into the sky she decided maybe it was time to head home, the Jedi had no right to exile her permanently. “Ok now we have ourselves a plan,” Jolee’s voice broke through both of their thoughts and made them refocus on what has been said. One of those Jedi was Meetra Surik, she had been in her eyes a promising student and one she took great interest in during her training. “They more than likely felt it too,” Dorak told him. “He was hoping Nord would get lucky and kill you by sheer dumb luck, just like when he attacked your ship,” she realized at the end of her statement. “A feat they repeated with you I hear, to busy clinging to age old rules and beliefs and not seeing the reality of the galaxy we really live in,” he grumbled, looking away briefly. Chapter 6Revan took a close look at the increased presence of guards when they reentered Chuundar’s hut. It wasn’t like his former friend would have expected such a threat from a mere bounty hunter. They were going to have a happy ending until-blah blah KotOR Blah, anyway they are back. Kreia was someone he trusted and she had been loyal to the cause before he was betrayed by Malak. “How big was this empire, Rikka?” Meetra finally asked once the video stopped playing. 15. chapter 15 Knowing it was the best she was going to get Bastila decided to just accept it. What was really going on with his former friend? Determined to find and destroy the dark Order, he must fight while doing his best to remain in the shadows and away from the prying eyes of the Jedi Order. Glancing at Juhani showed she hadn’t done it either although from the expression on her face she wished she had. This was the truth Revan and his followers had found during the war she realized, the Jedi had allowed themselves to become too distant to the galaxy outside the temple walls. Jolee quickly rolled out of the way using the force to increase his speed somewhat. His supposed retraining or what the Jedi would have him believe to be his actual training as a Jedi had been a sham. Once Freyyr reclaims power they may find themselves outnumbered and kicked off the planet,” Revan responded. Inside the Ebon Hawk Bastila was aware of a sudden surge of first anger, then loss and finally love, but she couldn’t find the source of these emotions within Revan. “No other choice Carth, unless you want to do this the more bloody way,” Revan replied. Not for personal glory, but to save something that in his eyes was long dead which was why he had joined the Sith in the first place, betraying everything he had once stood for. Bastila was again filled with the possessiveness of Revan where she was concerned, still wondering if the bond had joined them far more closely than the council had surmised. They peeked out of the windows, but noted the rest of the village seemed quiet. No matter how things had changed, no matter the link he now shared with Bastila or his romantic interest in her he still felt love for Meetra as well. It might explain why Malak turned against Revan. Following. Her mind fought itself over what to believe. And she had not been the only one to pay a price; Revan had paid the price in the blood of his friends and allies. She frowned as she felt her inner voice chastise her for such thoughts, she was just a Padawan and had no right to question the Jedi Masters of the council. “Revise our plans to take into account these new defenses Admiral, but make it quick,” he ordered before he turned and stalked off the bridge, wishing he had someone to kill. ‘What kind of insanity had they gotten themselves into? She allowed herself to briefly bask in the warm feelings that made her feel, before shaking her head in annoyance with her own foolishness for such a thing. He was pleased by this, but did his best to keep that from showing through the bond. But if that was true, then wouldn’t the Masters have detected it?’ she asked herself. Thankfully he’d had enough foresight to set up multiple accounts which only he knew the access codes for. “I thought once the Mandalorian war was over I would return home and settle down with my wife and son,” he told her and she could hear the bitterness in his tone as he spoke. The most clearly stated fact to support this was the Cathar massacre. He hated slavers and always had, having to work with them to achieve his goals while he was the Dark Lord had been a bitter pill for him and most of his loyal followers to take. Still knowing Revan was out there side by side with Shan disturbed him. “Trust in the force and our friends we must,” Vandar stated with as much belief as he could before he got up and left the council chamber, signaling the end of the meeting. 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