You’re Not Listening: What You’re Missing and Why It Matters. Research indicates that when people who don’t know each other well ask each other these types of questions, they feel more connected than if they spent time together accomplishing a task. Good listeners ask good questions. As with anything else, the law of supply and demand holds true: If you constantly share your opinions, no one will seek them out. Let it come to you. In social situations, peppering people with judgmental questions is likely to shift the conversation into a superficial, self-promoting elevator pitch. Absorb your moments fully, be undistracted by trying to find witty or adequate words. Giving a TED talk or delivering a commencement speech is living the dream. Talk Less Listen More – (123 Magic & Emotion Coaching) ONLINE PARENTING COURSE – $29. I mean real listening, where you focus on what the other person is saying and take it in, instead of planning the brilliant thing you'll say the moment the other person finishes speaking? Talk Less, Listen More. 5 - sincerely work to understand the message JMPW's "Listen More, Talk Less..." EP Addeddate 2014-03-12 17:34:41 Identifier ListenMoreTalkLess Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.5.2. plus-circle Add Review. Give your complete attention: Have you ever noticed that when the other person is talking, you are not actively listening but thinking about how you are going to reply to them.Nothing can be more annoying then talking but not being listened to. It’s not about merely holding your peace while someone else holds forth. Why We Should Speak Less and Listen More. Sharing meaningful quotes, quips, and words of wisdom. Moreover, listening to other people makes it more likely other people will listen to you. The pages overflow with tips to help improve communication with your child. We agreed on a dialogue of peace as our next planned project, to discuss solutions to issues in our complicated and furious world. When you know how to listen more and talk less, you will be able to collect the right data and then use that to close more deals and do it faster. Talk Less, Listen More. When was the last time you really listened to someone talk.? Empty your mind and allow your awareness And when was the last time someone really listened to you? As someone who's done thousands of interviews, I can attest to the power of saying nothing. Abraham Lincoln said, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." In general, after about 20 seconds of speaking you're at risk for losing the listener's attention. Wisdom begins when we listen more and talk less. Hints of the real gender differences tha… And the Word’s few spoken human words have more power in them than five hundred trillion words of men, angels, and demons. People Who Talk Less May Have More Power Silence isn't the same as dominance, but they mix well together. And it is our responsibility to continuously push forward to develop innovative ideas and foundational strategies for advancing the workplace. Who gets the best deal in that exchange? Instead, ask about people’s interests. What Happens When You Listen More And Talk Less. 3 Tips That Will Make You A Better Communicator For just one day, try this challenge. 15 Quotes to Inspire You to Become a Better Listener | We should use our words in constructive ways. Great leaders are great listeners, and therefore my message today is a simple one - talk less and listen more. Reasons Why People Talk More and Listen Less Lack of awareness: I believe most people are unaware of how their poor listening skills negatively impact rapport, harmony and understanding others. Zoe, The songs were perfect for current events and complimented that blog post so well. I’m talking about giving them your undivided attention when you were not forced to. The cacophony of modern life also stops us from listening. In other words, the kinds of conversations that make you want to leave the party early and rush home to your dog. Listen to empathize. Curious questions don’t begin with “Wouldn’t you agree…?” or “Don’t you think…?” and they definitely don’t end with “right?” The idea is to explore the other person’s point of view, not sway it. Strong silent types can hold sway over a conversation, by forcing others to hang on to each of their carefully chosen words. That is, if you ask truly curious questions that don’t have the hidden agenda of fixing, saving, advising, convincing or correcting. People will start seeking you out in due course. You also want to avoid asking people personal and appraising questions like “What do you do for a living?” or “What part of town do you live in?” or “What school did you go to?” or “Are you married?” This line of questioning is not an honest attempt to get to know who you’re talking to so much as rank them in the social hierarchy. It’s more like an interrogation and, as a former C.I.A. Listen More \ Talk Less Team of Perfectionists. And to listen poorly, selectively or not at all limits your understanding of the world and prevents you from becoming the best you can be. Speak to our clients, not at them. Or two. They are the same kinds of questions listed in the widely circulated article “36 Questions That Lead to Love” and are similar to the conversation starters suggested by the Family Dinner Project, which encourages device-free and listening-focused meals. How much talking do you do on an average day, and how much listening? Don’t worry. --Robert Baden-Powell "Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. Talk Less, Listen More. And as with any skill, it degrades if you don’t do it enough. The speaker will appreciate that gift and you will have created a bond. But it's all too easy to speak thoughtlessly, with insufficient information, or out of a wrong assumption. If you’re finding yourself doing most of the talking with your direct reports or at meetings, maybe it’s time for a change. In most conversations, the person who speaks least benefits most and the person who speaks most benefits least. 9 of the hottest tips to help you learn how to talk less listen more:. Offices with an open design ensure every keyboard click, telephone call and after-lunch belch make for constant racket. By Minda Zetlin, Co-author, The Geek Gap @MindaZetlin. If you don't share a piece of information today, you can always share it tomorrow. How do I offer the best advice? I sometimes use it by accident, when a source finishes answering a question and I'm caught off-guard for a moment or two before coming up with my next question. By Lauren Vinopal. Stop the cacophony of thought. So by listening rather than talking, you are giving something valuable to the person who's speaking. 4 - maintain appropriate body language. by Rob Rienow | Nov 30, 2015. Mehr zuhören und weniger sprechen. If you fall in this category, it could be helpful to consider listening a kind of meditation, where you make yourself aware of and acknowledge distractions, then return to focusing. Author Talk Less Listen More - Free Guidance Posted on May 30, 2017 May 30, 2017 Leave a comment on Keeping it different… I have been told many times by different people to start a blog, but I never really knew what to write about, who my readers would be, or why people would want to read what I … Ever since we were younger, the spotlight has always been on the other, more commonly regarded half of communication — talking. Communication Between Couples, Relationship Advice, Relationships By Lisa Firestone, Ph.D. You won’t become invisible, powerless or less impactful. We concluded that we need to give more, open our hearts more, take action, and most of all, to listen more and talk less. The best thing that can be said, is often nothing at all. “I had just smoked a joint and was looking for a ménage à trois — me, Ben and Jerry,” she said. In writing a book about listening, I asked people from Brooklyn to Beijing what it meant to be a good listener. Try not to be the one to initiate conversation. The best leaders are proactive, strategic, and intuitive listeners. Here is a refrain we have heard many times through our years of counseling teens and young adults. That’s why the Father says to us of his Son, “listen to him” (Matthew 17:5). When was the last time you listened to someone? Listen more, talk less. The most effective way to feel closer to your partner is in your power. He or she will feel understood and validated. “Listen or Your Tongue Will Make you Deaf” – Old Native America Proverb Listen, I have one really important question to ask you. Finding a way to shift the system of constant distraction and pressure may lead to greater mindful practice and attention to what really matters to patients. We are encouraged to listen to our hearts, our inner voices and our guts, but rarely are we encouraged to listen carefully and purposefully to other people. In fact, in our information-driven world, how much you know makes more difference to your long-term success than how much money you have or almost anything else. To be clear, I'm not suggesting that you always keep your opinions to yourself. The sad truth is that people have more experience being cut off, ignored and misunderstood than heard to their satisfaction. Description. The more people you listen to, the more aspects of humanity you will recognize, and the better your instincts will be. So how can we reclaim the lost art of listening? Discover more music, concerts, videos, and pictures with the largest catalogue online at … For example, when trying to find out why people might go to the grocery store late at night, a focus group moderator told me, she didn’t ask leading questions like, “Do you shop late a night because you didn’t get around to it during the day?” or “Do you shop at night because that’s when they restock the shelves?” Instead, she turned her question into an invitation: “Tell me about the last time you went grocery shopping late at night.” This, she said, prompted a quiet, unassuming woman who had hardly spoken up to that point to raise her hand. The image of success and power today is someone miked up and prowling around a stage or orating from behind a lectern. High schools and colleges have debate teams and courses in rhetoric and persuasion, but rarely, if ever, offer classes or extracurricular activities that teach careful listening. Wars have been fought, fortunes lost and friendships wrecked for lack of listening. Lessons in the art of listening, from a C.I.A. The most effective way to feel closer to your partner is in your power. 7 Smart Reasons You Should Talk Less and Listen More Saying less and hearing more has huge benefits that most people miss. Or expressed a thought you might better have kept to yourself? Listen more and talk less. I. The typical response was a blank stare. Advice includes how to read your child’s body language and understand yours. Thank you for sharing what was placed on your heart. Words are powerful things. When someone expresses concern or doubt, I often find myself searching for the perfect thing to say. agent, focus group moderator, radio producer, priest, bartender and furniture salesmen), I discovered that listening goes beyond simply hearing what people say. Interrupting, “tuning out” others and raising one’s voice to get attention serve no useful purpose; hurt feelings often occur and important information is lost. Most people tend to treat conversation like a competitive sport, in which the person who says the most, makes the cleverest point, persuades others of an opinion, or even speaks the longest and loudest is the winner. And here’s our email: [email protected]. One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned as a journalist is that anyone can be interesting if you ask the right questions. You may or may not want to use this manipulative tactic on purpose. Listen to learn. If you talk less and listen more to the person you are speaking to will feel bonded with you and also understood. Listening is a skill. I did not realize […] They didn’t have printed copies of … Here’s a proven, research-backed tactic that will improve your sales process: Talk less, listen more! Follow The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook, Twitter (@NYTopinion) and Instagram. After this point, tune in to the listener. Talk less. Conversely, they found that attentive listeners received more information, relevant details and elaboration from speakers, even when the listeners didn’t ask any questions. People will start seeking you out in due course. It is time to listen more, and talk less. The acoustics in restaurants can make it difficult, if not impossible, for diners to clearly hear one another. Listen more. We are detail oriented, thorough, and are constantly striving to advance our efficiency and innovation. It is fundamental to any successful relationship — personal, professional and political. That’s why the Father says to us of his Son, “listen to him” (Matthew 17:5). Whatever challenges a couple is facing, there is one skill anyone can work on to greatly improve a relationship; that skill is listening. Now, as a journalist, I still collect evidence, but I walk with extra respect and caution. Listen more and talk less. Listen to validate. And yet, listening can be more valuable than speaking. I mean, I don’t know if there’s ever been a time in my 59 years on Earth where I’ve seen people talk more, listen less, and judge more … If you’re a parent who’s reaching the end of your rope with your child’s meltdowns and difficult behaviour, we have good news for you. But tech is not the only culprit. The people around you need to know what you're thinking, doubly so if you're in a leadership role. A person who's listening is receiving information. Smart people are particularly apt to get distracted by their own galloping thoughts. Take in the information that is being narrated to Was so attentive to what you were saying and whose response was so spot on that you felt truly understood? Helping kids to develop their ‘mental brakes’ can develop their ability to … WORDS can punch harder than a fist. Listen more Talk less. Listen More, Talk Less. We've all had these experiences one time or another. Some people may have stronger natural ability while others may have to work harder, but each of us can become a better listener with practice. A person who's talking is giving away information--often more than he or she intended. 10 tracks (54:21). Also good are expansive questions, such as, “If you could spend a month anywhere in the world, where would you go?”. They can heal or they can hurt. Listen more and talk less. If for no other reason to listen more and talk less, remember the pay-off of the golden rule: If you listen to them, they will listen to you. What can I say to make someone feel better? We should follow the advice from the Gospel of James… Listen more. Tom Abbott Tom Abbott is the author of 'The SOHO Solution' and 'Social Selling' and the creator of the online sales training platform SOCO Academy. While this comes with good intentions, it can actually do more harm than good! Quick speaking leads to quick anger – the angrier we get, the faster we react or speak, and the less we hear what others are trying to say. Ironically, the more we talk, the less we’re able to communicate. This is all fueling what public health officials describe as an epidemic of loneliness in the United States. Who do you listen to more closely--someone who never shuts up, or someone who only speaks once in a while? Talk less. All of us find ourselves interrupting, speechifying, insisting, and coming up with witticisms--all to support our point of view or display our superior knowledge. A lot of listening has to do with how you respond — the degree to which you facilitate the clear expression of another person’s thoughts and, in the process, crystallize your own. By saving yours for the right moment, you give them the most power. Listen more, talk less. Listen more, talk less! Talk less, listen more > ... I’ve had a number of different bosses over the years, and I’ve seen first hand the impact of talking less, listening more from an employee perspective. If you want to significantly improve the quality of your sales conversations to increase your win rates, the talk vs listening ratio is one of the most important things to consider. But it's almost always true that the less you say, the more information the person you're speaking with will share. Stories feel freshest and have the most impact when someone is hearing them for the first time. It’s a sad spiral, since the more you talk, the less people really hear, meaning they don’t learn anything either. 1. Feel the energy pulsing within every moment, unspoiled by the duality of your opinions. Whatever challenges a couple is facing, there is one skill anyone can work on to greatly improve a relationship; that skill is listening. How to Talk Less and Listen More It’s important to note that while there are several skills to listening well, none of them are as important as having the right attitude while listening. Talk less, listen more, don’t judge! Look around when you are at your next morning coffee shop and notice how many people really listen and allow those talking to finish before interrupting . 10 tracks (55:19). People with higher I.Q.s also tend to be more neurotic and self-conscious, which means that worry and anxiety are more likely to hijack their attention. Reasons Why People Talk More and Listen Less Lack of awareness: I believe most people are unaware of how their poor listening skills negatively impact rapport, harmony and understanding others. Listen More, Talk Less. How to Talk Less and Listen More. They are also more likely to assume they already know what the other person is going to say. Kate Murphy is a journalist and the author of “You’re Not Listening: What You’re Missing and Why It Matters,” from which this essay is adapted. Listen to empathize. You’re not alone and we … Image of chalk, advice, concept - 21996516 Especially if you really are taking in what that person is saying and not thinking about something else. Learn to be comfortable with silence. That can make you look less intelligent than you are, and you will minimize the chances of it happening if you listen more than you speak. Absorb your moments fully, be undistracted by trying to find witty or adequate words. 195 likes. It is only by listening that we engage, understand, empathize, cooperate and develop as human beings. Try to find out what excites or aggravates them — their daily pleasures or what keeps them up at night. Ms. Murphy is the author of “You’re Not Listening: What You’re Missing and Why It Matters.”. Now, when you have to listen to someone talk for more than 5 or 10 minutes, ... and when you speak less you will have more time to understand other people and learn more about life. Listen to connect. The best thing that can be said, is often nothing at all. Traffic noise on city streets, music playing in shops and the bean grinder at your favorite coffeehouse exceed the volume of normal conversation by as much as 30 decibels, and can even cause hearing loss. Having a rough sense of how long you've been talking can help you speak less. Listening well can help you understand other people’s attitudes and motivations, which is essential in building cooperative and productive relationships, as well as discerning which relationships you’d be better off avoiding. Most people go through life wishing to be listened to more. Really listened, without thinking about what you wanted to say next, glancing down at your phone or jumping in to offer your opinion? Have you ever tuned in to an interview or attended a webinar by your favorite business guru, only to hear that guru tell the audience a story that you've already read in his or her latest book? What he really means is that he wants me to sit there while he talks. ... And yet, listening can be more valuable than speaking. And the Word’s few spoken human words have more power in them than five hundred trillion words of men, angels, and demons. When was the last time you really listened to someone talk.? Listen More “Be quick to hear” (James 1:19a). Listen to understand. A simple web application that trains you how to talk less and listen more. In context, this sort of listening starts by paying attention to what God has said in his Word. Saying less and hearing more has huge benefits that most people miss. Understanding others is certainly not easy, but you should at least do your best to hear them out without giving them bad advice like, “Don’t worry, it will all get better.” “Let it slide like water off of a duck’s back.” “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”. For just one day, try this challenge. Listen free to Quintessence – Talk Less Listen More (Sticks & Stones, 1st Impressions and more). Talk less. Dialogue can be one great source of collaboration for peace. Listen to learn. Aug 29 2018, 5:55 PM. People had no trouble, however, telling me what it meant to be a bad listener, rattling off actions such as interrupting, looking at a phone, and responding in a narcissistic or confused way. Listen More, Talk Less. Stop the cacophony of thought. Do you think you talk too much, or cannot focus properly on what is being said and are always in a hurry to have your say even when others are not interested? Interrupting, “tuning out” others and raising one’s voice to get attention serve no useful purpose; hurt feelings often occur and important information is lost. The reason you have two ears and one mouth is because listening is more important in this thing called life than talking. Listen more and talk less. This application works within Chrome/Firefox and the new Microsoft Edge browser. People find phone calls intrusive and ignore voice mail, preferring text or wordless emoji. Listen free to Quintessence – Talk Less Listen More (Sticks & Stones, 1st Impressions and more). Because our brains can think a lot faster than people can talk, beware of the tendency to take mental side trips when you should be listening. Online and in person, it’s all about defining yourself, shaping the narrative and staying on message. Many translated example sentences containing "listen more talk less" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations. The reward of good listening will almost certainly be more interesting conversations. The noise of useless words that many of us are throwing away in an attempt to get a grip on someone else’s attention, creates a thick fog that makes it really difficult to actually understand each other. Publication date 2014-02-14 Usage Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Topics ambient, JMPW, soundscape, drone, electronic. Of course, technology plays a role. If you stop and think about it, though, this approach is the opposite of the one we should take. If you're like most of us, the answer is: Not enough. Mike-Paustian_IPPA-President_Two-Questions. We are, each of us, the sum of what we attend to in life. Feel the energy pulsing within every moment, Listen to understand. Learn to be comfortable with silence. So how much do you actually talk versus listen? You’ll stand out […] Author Profile. 3 - give the speaker your complete attention. Photo about Listen more, talk less - communication concept or advice - white chalk handwriting on small slate blackboards, isolated on white. If you’re good at the skill but aren’t sincerely interested in understanding the other person, you’ll fail. Speaking and listening in a balanced way are imperative in our world. May 6, 2020 YH Law. It's a powerful relationship-building tool, and an especially powerful sales tool. This is why Grant has created full courses on Fact Finding, Appraising and Presenting inside Cardone On Demand and Cardone University. The Times is committed to publishing a diversity of letters to the editor. Mehr zuhören und weniger sprechen. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and introducing me to a new blogger. Listen to validate. Listen more. Listen More, Talk Less… June 17, 2019 gregoryjoel Thoughts From the Porch: I’m posting this on my business website as well as the Opal’s Farm Facebook Page. Communication Between Couples, Relationship Advice, Relationships By Lisa Firestone, Ph.D. The Talk Less Listen More program aims to teach parents how to deal with their children’s difficult behaviour by using an easy-to-learn and easy-to-use signalling system to … agent, a focus group moderator and more. This is partly because it’s human nature to return courtesies, but also because good listening improves your chances of delivering a message that resonates. 2 - be approachable & receptive. How many times have you revealed something and then later wished that you hadn't? Listen More, Talk Less by JMPW. "If you make listening and observation your occupation, you will gain much more than you can by talk." How you listen can work like a self-fulfilling prophecy: If you’re barely listening to someone because you think that person is boring or not worth your time, you could actually make it so. Quite the opposite. agent told me, interrogation will get you information, but it won’t be credible or reliable. By Jennifer Shike January 28, 2020 Mike Paustian, a pig farmer from Walcott, Iowa, took over the reins as the Iowa Pork Producers Association (IPPA) president last week during the Iowa Pork Congress. The, most last week will recognize, and intuitive listeners another at cocktail parties, work meetings and family... Apt to get distracted by their own galloping thoughts times Opinion section on Facebook, Twitter ( NYTopinion! For current events and complimented that blog post so well TED talk delivering. That blog post so well is all fueling what Public health officials describe as an epidemic of in. Do you listen to, the Geek Gap @ MindaZetlin Opinion or optimism clear, I asked from!, to discuss solutions to issues in our world blackboards, isolated on white up at night of today. More experience being cut off, ignored and misunderstood than heard to their.. 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